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Portable Universal Viewer for Windows 7 - "Versatile Portable Viewer: Windows 7 Download" - Windows 7 Download

Portable Universal Viewer Windows 7

Portable Universal Viewer 5.7.3

"View any file format with ease. Get Portable Universal Viewer now!"

Introducing Portable Universal Viewer from UVViewSoft: the ultimate tool for viewing and managing file content. With support for over 100+ file formats and an intuitive interface, this software is a go-to choice for graphic designers, programmers, and content creators alike. With the ability to view and edit files on-the-go, Portable Universal Viewer is a game-changer for anyone who needs quick and reliable access to content. Experience the future of file management today!

Portable Universal Viewer 5.7.3 full details

File Size: 5.20 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2012-06-20
Downloads: Total: 120 | This Month: 18
Publisher: UVViewSoft
Publisher URL:

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Portable Universal ViewerViewersWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 0 (0 votes)

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Portable Universal Viewer 5.7.3 full description

Universal Viewer was designed to be an advanced file viewer that supports a wide range of formats.

Implemented view modes and corresponding file formats are:
· Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: any files, of unlimited size (even 4Gb sizes are allowed)
· RTF/UTF-8: RTF and UTF-8 encoded texts
· Image: all general graphics formats: BMP JPG GIF PNG TGA TIFF...
· Multimedia: all formats supported by MS Windows Media Player: AVI MPG WMV MP3...
· Internet: all formats supported by MS Internet Explorer: HTML XML DOC XLS...
· Plugins: all formats supported by Total Commander Lister plugins

Universal Viewer is fully Unicode-compatible and can be integrated into Windows Explorer's context menu, so there is no problem to call it from anywhere in Explorer: right-click on a file and select "Universal Viewer" item.

In the Lister plugins section you will find the list of rather good Lister plugins to use in conjunction with UV. These plugins are developed by 3rd parties and are not included into UV installation.

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