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Power Reminder for Windows 7 - Power Reminder: Never Forget Anything Again. - Windows 7 Download

Power Reminder Windows 7

Power Reminder 1.0

"Stay on top of your tasks with Power Reminder. Efficient and user-friendly."

Looking for a powerful and reliable reminder software? Look no further than Power Reminder from Green Parrots Software. This user-friendly tool allows you to easily schedule alerts for important tasks and deadlines, with customizable settings to suit your preferences. With its intuitive interface and robust features, Power Reminder is the perfect choice for anyone looking to stay on top of their busy schedule. Download now and see for yourself what makes Power Reminder the ultimate reminder solution for Windows 7 users.

Power Reminder 1.0 full details

File Size: 1.05 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $19.99
Released: 2009-06-27
Downloads: Total: 461 | This Month: 16
Publisher: Green Parrots Software
Publisher URL:

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Power ReminderClocks & AlarmsWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Media Center Edition 2005, Windows Vista, Win

User Rating: 2.8 (9 votes)

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Power Reminder 1.0 full description

Never miss important moments in your life with powerful and reliable alarms and reminders, with unique unobtrusive notifications! Set any number of one-time and repeating alarms with custom messages, sounds, colors, fonts, icons and actions. When the alarm goes off, it displays a balloon notification near the clock area for a few seconds. Click the balloon to open the alarm window or just leave it gently blinking in your taskbar. High priority alarms display their message straight in the center of the screen. Power Reminder has been deliberately designed to handle the multitude of alarms with ease. You can browse, search and manage alarms, view their schedule for any period of time. Transfer alarms between computers using the backup and restore feature. Power Reminder never forgets your alarms. All alarms left unattended will display after the reboot. The unique Alarm Recycle Bin comes to the rescue if you accidentally delete an important alarm! We recommend you to try it FREE for 30 days. Download it right now!

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Power Reminder 1.0 Windows 7 requirements

Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 or Windows 7

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