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PREDICTIVE AUTODIALER for Windows 7 - Revolutionize Your Calls with Predictive Autodialer. - Windows 7 Download



"Revolutionize your calls with predictive dialing technology."

Welcome to the PREDICTIVE AUTODIALER download page! Developed by the industry-leading PREDICTIVE AUTODIALER team, this powerful software maximizes efficiency by automatically dialing phone numbers and connecting agents with customers. Its innovative predictive dialing algorithm ensures a smooth and productive calling experience. Designed for Windows 7, this software is a must-have for call centers and sales teams. Download it now and take your productivity to the next level!

PREDICTIVE AUTODIALER 9.2.0 full details

File Size: 16.50 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $697.00
Released: 2012-02-02
Downloads: Total: 462 | This Month: 12
Publisher URL:




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PREDICTIVE AUTODIALERTelephonyWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.9 (15 votes)

PREDICTIVE AUTODIALER - Windows 7 Download awards

PREDICTIVE AUTODIALER windows 7 compatible

PREDICTIVE AUTODIALER 9.2.0 full description

Ozeki .NET SDK allows to develop predictive dialer system to detect fax, busy signal and human voice during the phone call. The sample program also functions as answer machine detector. Ozeki SIP SDK is an excellent tool to build softphone or SIP client application, enables you to add video phone to your website using Adobe Flash or MS Silverlight, and to add functionality to your call center, IVR or CRM. The call answering can be analyzed by a voice recognition system that should distinguish between the fax machine, a busy signal or the actual human voice. The call will only be literally established between the agent and the customer, when a human voice answers the phone call. The sample program helps create an AudioHandler for voice detection and provides the algorithm for answering machine detection. Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK provides the possibility for extending the existing tools if you have some special purpose to fulfill. In the case of distinguishing between a human and machine answer you need to define a subclass for the Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK provided AudioHandler class. Ozeki SIP SDK ensures compatibility with almost all PBX systems like Asterisk PBX, Cisco UCM, 3CX Phone System, Kamailio PBX, etc. Ozeki SDK also works with almost all VoIP service providers (Skype Connect, Gafachi, Callcentric, SureVoIP, VoIPtalk, etc.) due to that it is fully standard compliant. Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK offers various products and possibilities: Softphone, VoIP client applications: Dialers, Call assistant, Call center clients-servers, PBX systems, IVR, Webphone, Conferencing, Voice recording, VoIP tunneling, Security monitoring, Mobile communication systems. Tools: SIP protocol implementation, RTP implementation, RTCP implementation, Audio device support (mic, speaker), Audio encoding/decoding (audio codecs), Voice quality improvement tools (AEC, AVG, NR, Jitter buffer), Video device support (camera and playback), Video encoding/decoding (video codecs). Multiple lines & calls support

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PREDICTIVE AUTODIALER 9.2.0 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
New feature: Webphone development support (Flash and Silverligt)
[ PREDICTIVE AUTODIALER release history ]

PREDICTIVE AUTODIALER 9.2.0 Windows 7 requirements

PC, .NET compatible Development Kit, minimum .Net 3.5. SP1, SIP account


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