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Preferred Filter Tweaker for Windows 7 - Enhance video playback experience. - Windows 7 Download

Preferred Filter Tweaker Windows 7

Preferred Filter Tweaker 6.4

Customize your Windows 7 video playback with this powerful filter tool.

As a professional in Windows 7 software reviews, I highly recommend the "Preferred Filter Tweaker" developed by Codecguide. This software empowers you to customize the preferred filters of your media files and enhance its playback quality. This simple-to-use tool is perfect for improving your media-viewing experience, as well as for troubleshooting any codec-related issues. I highly recommend this software for Windows 7 users who are looking for a hassle-free and effective solution to enhance their media files. Try it out today and see the difference!

Preferred Filter Tweaker 6.4 full details

File Size: 1.10 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2021-06-23
Downloads: Total: 1066 | This Month: 14
Publisher: Codecguide
Publisher URL:

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User Rating: 3.3 (21 votes)

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Preferred Filter Tweaker 6.4 full description

Windows 7 uses its own DirectShow filters for decoding several audio and video formats. Using third party filters instead of the native filters is not possible without making changes to the Windows Registry.

The Win7DSFilterTweaker tool allows you to configure your preferred DirectShow filters with just a few mouse clicks. It is quick, easy, and changes can always be undone.

If you for example prefer to use ffdshow or CoreAVC for decoding H.264 video then you can do so by using this tool.

This tool is particularly useful for the Microsoft players, such as Windows Media Player and Media Center. Certain advanced third party players, such as Media Player Classic, are already capable of using third party filters without using this tool.

The changes that this tool makes to the preferred filter settings of Windows only have effect when a player uses DirectShow.

Windows Media Player and Media Center use a new framework called Media Foundation instead of DirectShow when playing certain file formats. In that case they will always use the Microsoft decoders, and not any third party DirectShow filters. Examples of file formats that are played using Media Foundation are: .m2ts, .mp4, and .mov.

This tool has the capability to disable the use of Media Foundation for specific file extensions. The only negative side effect of those tweaks is that thumbnails will not work.

This tool is also capable of completely disabling Media Foundation and other Microsoft playback components by renaming certain files. However, you should be aware that doing so might have noticeable side effects. For example, playback of live TV in Media Center could stop working. But in any case, any change made by the tool can easily be undone to restore the system to its original state.

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