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PrintableCal full changelog

PrintableCal full changelog

PrintableCal 2020.12 released Oct 12, 2020 (Major Update)
- Added the ability to map any number of custom fields in the Excel and CSV calendar data sources. When mapped, values in those fields will appear in the item descriptions/details when using a template that supports showing additional details.
- Other minor corrections and improvements.
PrintableCal 2020.10 released Sep 8, 2020 (Major Update)
- Corrected an error message that could appear on some computers when attempting to add Microsoft 365 or Office 365 calendars.
- Other minor corrections and improvements.
PrintableCal 2020.08 released May 29, 2020 (Major Update)
-Added a Basic version with a lower price but fewer capabilities than the Standard version.
-Added the ability to import from any calendar data source in the Basic version and up.
-Added the ability to import calendars, task plans, and to-do lists from Microsoft 365.
-Many other improvements.
PrintableCal 2020.05 released Feb 9, 2020 (Major Update)
-Corrected the 1 Day/Page without Overlay template to show events that have start times.
-Other minor improvements and corrections.
PrintableCal 2020.03 released Jan 27, 2020 (Major Update)
-Improved performance when generating calendars in Excel.
-Improved importing from Outlook when unable to find a previously added calendar.
-Corrected cases where duplicate events could appear in the output.
-Corrected an error message that could appear when generating.
-Other minor bug fixes.
PrintableCal 2020.02 released Jan 7, 2020 (Major Update)
-Added a day template with time slots that are split between the left and right sides of the page.
-Added a month template that matches the monthly print style of Outlook 2003.
-Added a version of the 2 Weeks/Page template which can fit up to 10 events/tasks per day.
-Other minor corrections.
PrintableCal 2019.13 released Dec 7, 2019 (Major Update)
-Improved calendar template list user interface.
-Improved default calendar names of Excel/CSV data sources.
-Improved calendar data sources to show a tooltip with the data source location.
-Corrected processing of events that start and end at midnight but aren't marked all-day.
-Other fixes.
PrintableCal 2019.09 released Aug 7, 2019 (Major Update)
-Improved the Month template output to fit better on a page.
-Improved the Agenda template with an option for including only weekends or only weekdays in the output.
-Improved the formula for inserting mini-calendars in the generated output to allow a starting month to be specified.
-Bug fixes.
PrintableCal 2019.07 released May 16, 2019 (Major Update)
-Improved the PowerPoint add-in to support generating the calendar as an editable Excel Worksheet Object, RTF, HTML, or an image.
-Other minor corrections and improvements.
PrintableCal 2019.05 released Mar 29, 2019 (Major Update)
-Added the ability to include event and task descriptions in the Week Grid template.
-Improved the color drop-down to include a "Random Color" option.
-Improved the display of bullet and numbered lists in descriptions.
-Corrected errors connecting to Exchange Server.
-Other minor corrections.

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