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QTTabBar for Windows 7 - QTTabBar: Supercharge Explorer with tabs. - Windows 7 Download

QTTabBar Windows 7

QTTabBar 1043

Enhance file browsing on Windows 7 with QTTabBar!

QTTabBar is a versatile software that enhances the functionality of Windows 7's file management system. Developed by Quizo, this program allows users to navigate through folders and files with ease, providing convenient shortcuts and customizable options. With its tabbed interface, users can easily switch between open folders and access files quickly. QTTabBar also offers features such as folder grouping, customizable hotkeys, and a variety of viewing options. Whether you're a power user or simply looking for a more efficient file management system, QTTabBar is a must-have addition to your Windows 7 software collection.

QTTabBar 1043 full details

File Size: 3.60 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2020-12-20
Downloads: Total: 809 | This Month: 5
Publisher: Quizo
Publisher URL:

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QTTabBarOtherWindows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.4 (17 votes)

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QTTabBar 1043 full description

The QTTabBar application was designed to be an Add-In that gives Tab Browsing Feature to your Explorer. Folder grouping, histories, etc. Open a folder in Explorer and right-click on the toolbar. Check 'QT TabBar'. QT TabBar is an intuitive program that comes with an elegant solution to this problem, by allowing you to create tabs when browsing directories with Windows Explorer, eliminating the need to open a new window for every folder opened. The application requires .Net Framework installed on your computer in order to run smoothly.

With the help of QT TabBar, you will be able to quickly navigate between your favorite folders, all from a single window and multiple tabs. Additionally, you can customize the way your tabs are displayed, so that you can differentiate the active tab from the others.

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QTTabBar 1043 Windows 7 requirements

.NET Framework 4.0

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