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ReaCompressor - image optimizer for Windows 7 - Optimize images flawlessly! - Windows 7 Download

ReaCompressor - image optimizer Windows 7

ReaCompressor - image optimizer 2.0

"Streamline your images with ReaCompressor - the ultimate optimizer."

Looking for a solution to optimize your images without sacrificing quality? Look no further than ReaCompressor from This powerful image optimizer allows you to compress and resize your images to create smaller file sizes without sacrificing the original quality. With a user-friendly interface and advanced features, ReaCompressor is the perfect tool for anyone looking to streamline their image optimization process. Try it today and experience the benefits of optimized images that load faster and take up less space.

ReaCompressor - image optimizer 2.0 full details

File Size: 1.46 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $29.95
Released: 2008-09-23
Downloads: Total: 498 | This Month: 3
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ReaCompressor - image optimizerConverters & OptimizersWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista

User Rating: 3.2 (17 votes)

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ReaCompressor - image optimizer windows 7 compatible

ReaCompressor - image optimizer 2.0 full description

Optimize your pictures & images for the best quality, look and size conformity when preparing for the web, e-mail, fax, storing, etc. and see changes in real time. It supports 340 input formats, multipage GIF/TIF files (with easy navigation between pages to optimize), TWAIN devices (scanner, digital camera), region specific compression that allows to produce JPG files some areas of which are compressed more or less than others, basic image editing options and features multilingual interface. ReaCompressor lets you quickly and easily compare your original image with optimized JPG, GIF, PNG or TIF by its visual quality, size, etc. in a double pane view of both input and output image. You can also, choose 'convert to a black and white' option if you want to compress scanned faxes, scripts, books, etc. By showing an image in your own settings and desired quality ReaCompressor helps you optimize an image better and make the right decision on it's format, quality and size. Your original graphic file format can be any. So it is not only compression/optimization but also conversion solution as well. The software supports batch mode that allows to compress batches of your images. The resulting images looks almost as an original, having significantly smaller file size.

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ReaCompressor - image optimizer 2.0 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
- Multi page GIF/TIFF files support (easy navigation between pages to optimize)
- TWAIN devices support (get images from your scanner or digital camera)
- Improved JPG region specific compression (compound regions creation, "Invert selection" option, "Tolerance" option for "Magic wand" tool added)
- Eyedropper tool for saving transparent GIF/PNG
- "Crop" and "Color adjust" options for original image added
- "Convert to gray (8 bits)" TIFF option added
- Blur, Sharpen, RGB, HSL, Brightness Contrast filters added
[ ReaCompressor - image optimizer release history ]

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