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Real Cut 2D for Windows 7 - Real Cut 2D: Maximize Material Use! - Windows 7 Download

Real Cut 2D Windows 7

Real Cut 2D

"Optimize your cuts with Real Cut 2D, a powerful Windows 7 software for precise and efficient 2D cutting."

Introducing Real Cut 2D, the ultimate software for your cutting needs. Developed by Optimal Programs, it is user-friendly and efficient. Whether you are cutting materials for furniture, textiles, or any other industrial purpose, this software is perfect for you. With its powerful features such as auto-nesting and the ability to import/export different file formats, you can easily create precise and optimal cutting layouts. So why wait? Get Real Cut 2D today and experience the simplicity and excellence of this software.

Real Cut 2D full details

File Size: 900 kB
License: Commercial
Price: $63.00
Released: 2014-04-12
Downloads: Total: 1453 | This Month: 16
Publisher: Optimal Programs
Publisher URL:

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Real Cut 2DMath & Scientific ToolsWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 3.0 (18 votes)

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Real Cut 2D windows 7 compatible

Real Cut 2D full description

Real Cut 2D is a computer program used for obtaining cutting layouts for two dimensional surfaces. Real Cut 2D can be used for cutting rectangular sheets made of glass, wood, metal, or any other material used by industrial applications. Features: Any number of pieces in the REPOSITORY and DEMAND. Any measurement metric. Adjustable cutting blade thickness. Adjustable optimization level. Fractional input (100 1/2 or 100.5). Graphical display (black-white or color) and text mode of the obtained results. Printing the obtained layouts. Printing the REPOSITORY and the DEMAND of the customer. Several statistics related to the current optimization. Automatically computing of the sheets price. Password protected REPOSITORY. The DEMAND can be exported/imported into/from Excel. The REPOSITORY can be exported into Excel files. Sortable REPOSITORY and DEMAND using different criteria. Information about customers can be stored with every DEMAND. Managment of different types of material. Very fast running time (Solutions are obtained within seconds). Interface in multiple languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese, Swedish and Dutch.

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Real Cut 2D Windows 7 requirements

16 Mb, Pentium 1, 5 Mb HDD

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