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ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook for Windows 7 - "Streamline Outlook Filing: ReliefJet Quick Folders!" - Windows 7 Download

ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook Windows 7

ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook 1.3.3

Streamline Outlook with Quick Folders, saving time and ease of use.

Introducing ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook, the ultimate solution for organizing your inbox. Developed by Relief Software, this powerful Windows 7 software seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Outlook to provide you with quick and easy access to your most important folders. With drag-and-drop functionality, customizable options, and lightning-fast performance, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it. Upgrade your inbox experience today with ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook.

ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook 1.3.3 full details

File Size: 3.31 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $14.95
Released: 2021-04-26
Downloads: Total: 44 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Relief Software
Publisher URL:

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ReliefJet Quick Folders for OutlookOffice Suites & ToolsWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11

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ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook 1.3.3 full description

ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook add-in for easy navigation through Microsoft Outlook folders. Navigate to the folder containing the opened message, quickly find the folder you need, move or copy your emails and other Outlook items reliably and easily. - Displays a flat list of Outlook folders with a quick search option. - Allows you to select folders of a certain type: messages, contacts, tasks, calendars, notes, journals. - Shows folders from all accounts connected to the Outlook profile or only specified folders with subfolders. - Supports Exchange Server Public Folders. - Can load a list of folders when you start Outlook, enabling you to instantly search for them later. - Searches with a part of the folder name or with a wildcard pattern. - Navigates to the folder containing the opened Outlook item. - Moves or copies selected items to the target folder, allowing you to find destination in seconds. - Allows you to set keyboard shortcuts for navigating, moving, and copying to a folder. If you have multiple Outlook accounts with hundreds of folders, how do you quickly find and navigate to a folder? Browse through them all, one by one? Memorize the location and dive deep into folder hierarchies manually? Boost your productivity with ReliefJet Quick Folders by automating folder searches when you navigate or copy and move Outlook items.

ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook 1.3.3 download tags

ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook 1.3.3 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Compatibility improvements with the latest Windows 10/11 and Office 365 versions. New features, performance enhancements and bug fixes.
[ ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook release history ]

ReliefJet Quick Folders for Outlook 1.3.3 Windows 7 requirements

Microsoft Office Outlook 365/2021/2019/2016/2013/2010/2007

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