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Resident Reminder for Windows 7 - "Never forget a task with Resident Reminder" - Windows 7 Download

Resident Reminder Windows 7

Resident Reminder

"Get organized with Resident Reminder, the must-have software for Windows 7."

Looking for a reliable way to never forget those important appointments and to-dos again? Look no further than Resident Reminder, developed by On Top Systems. This innovative Windows 7 software is easy-to-use and customizable, ensuring that you'll always stay on top of the important things in your busy life. With features such as customizable reminders, flexible scheduling options, and a user-friendly interface, Resident Reminder is the perfect solution for anyone looking to enhance their productivity and stay organized. Try it today and start taking control of your schedule!

Resident Reminder full details

File Size: 1.82 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $7.95
Released: 2012-02-13
Downloads: Total: 381 | This Month: 11
Publisher: On Top Systems
Publisher URL:

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Resident ReminderPIMS & CalendarsWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows Vista, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.4 (11 votes)

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Resident Reminder windows 7 compatible

Resident Reminder full description

Resident Reminder is a free program that reminds you of important events. Create unlimited event reminders by week, month, or year. Events can be set to run once, to end after a specific date, or to repeat forever. The special "date counting" feature automatically counts and updates the number of days/months/years from the event start. This lets you have reminders such as "Bob's 24th birthday" updated to "25th birthday" the following year. View or print events in calendar format or chronological listing. Monthly and yearly events can be set to a fixed date or "float" by week number (e.g.: 4th Sunday in October). View events for any month on screen instantly and jump to any month or year. Optionally set notice of any event "n" number of days in advance. Special feature for commodity traders to alert to "contract roll dates". Optional pop-up reminder of any events due when Windows starts. Register the program for a one-time fee to unlock additional features, including backup and restore to zip file archive.

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Resident Reminder Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
Minor bug fixes
[ Resident Reminder release history ]

Resident Reminder Windows 7 requirements

Windows 98+, 128 megs RAM

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