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Revolver Office for Windows 7 - Revolutionize Office Management - Windows 7 Download

Revolver Office Windows 7

Revolver Office 8.10.0

"Streamline your office tasks with Revolver Office - a powerful Windows 7 software solution."

Revolver Office by Revolver Software GmbH is a top-notch productivity suite for Windows 7 that offers an all-in-one solution for managing your business. The software boasts an impressive array of features including contact management, project management, time tracking, invoicing, and document management. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive capabilities, Revolver Office is a must-have for any modern business. Whether you're a freelancer or a small business owner, this software has got you covered. So why wait? Download Revolver Office today and take your productivity to new heights!

Revolver Office 8.10.0 full details

File Size: 146.00 MB
License: Demo
Price: $19.00
Released: 2020-07-16
Downloads: Total: 722 | This Month: 10
Publisher: Revolver Software GmbH
Publisher URL:

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Revolver OfficeOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.0 (21 votes)

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Revolver Office 8.10.0 full description

Revolver Office will master all your commercial transactions. Includes all Revolver Mail Pro functions and substantial commercial functions. Write offers and bills with Revolver, manage goods and stores, calculate with the help of the time billing function the profitability of a job, get an overview when ever you wish through the turnover-statistics, open-positions- list and more.

Revolver Office is the ideal product for all self-employed and small businesses to a faire price.

Surface Design:
· At most the revised surface Design falls in the eye. After three years with the past Design we took up the current trends of the new operating systems (Vista, Leopard). In the navigation border at the lefthand side the categories fold up now with a soft movement. Buttons give now a visual feedback. Almost all ranges of the gun surface were improved.

Improved operation:
· Nearly all functions are now in the new tool border at the right edge summarized. All Buttons is marked, thus also opportunity users get along immediately.

Project summary and preview with indicator rings:
· When leafing through the current projects you can recognize now on a view, where critical Situatuationen can occur or already occurred. The three indicator rings indicate, how much time up to the date of delivery remains, how many project steps are not yet settled and like the conditions of the time account is (being/target comparison). If certain limit values are over and/or are fallen below, gun warns you with remarkable markings.


Improved stop watch:
· The stop watch is now down right in the tool border. With one click on the stop watch Button appears a small window, into which all data can be directly entered for time registration: Project, indexing step, achievement, notes and whether the time can be accounted for.

Team function:
· In Revolver 7 you can furnish to teams. Each coworker can be member in several teams. The calendar can indicate also team calendars now, whole teams can in a date participate. In lists can be filtered after teams, which know rights of access for individual documents to a team are assigned. A contraction can be assigned to each user beyond that now.

External files deposit:
· Whether Word, Excel or Illustrator: With Revolver 7 you attach arbitrary files to projects. These are stored central at the server and are then also accessible for other users.

Book keeping interface:
· Revolver 7 exports all relevant data for the Lexware accountant by push of a button (and compatible programs). Posting dates, customers and suppliers are handed over so electronically.

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