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REXPaint full changelog

REXPaint full changelog

REXPaint 1.04 released Jun 19, 2018 (New Release)
NEW: Selected glyph's ID shown in Apply box, along with the glyph itself (activate in options menu)
NEW: ID for glyph currently under cursor in selection box can be shown directly to the right (activate in options menu)
NEW: Swap foreground/background colors across entire image (Shift-Alt-w)
NEW: Copy entire active layer to clipboard (Ctrl-Shift-c)
NEW: Arrow keys for glyph selection now wrap around to opposite side
NEW: Undo/Redo functionality also accessible via simply z/y as hotkeys (ctrl optional)
NEW: Limit application of specific RGB channels in foreground and/or background (Shift-Alt-r/g/b and Ctrl-Shift-Alt-r/g/b)
NEW: File browser can be set to ignore specified paths ("ignorePath" in cfg)
NEW: Option to use basic CP437 characters instead of UTF8 for txt output ("txtOutputUTF8" in cfg)
NEW: Can now override the normal autodetection for font bitmap color keying (see "fontKeyColorOverride" in cfg)
NEW: F2 hotkey opens rename dialogue for currently selected image in browse mode
REXPaint Beta v0.99r9 released Nov 27, 2015 (New Release)
* NEW: Image-wide single-color swapping (Shift-LMB in palette window)
* NEW: Scroll image up/down with Shift-Wheel
* NEW: Switch between current/previous image with Ctrl-Tab
* NEW: Separate undo history maintained for each image, making simultaneous editing of multiple files easier
* NEW: Expanded undo support to include image resizing and layer manipulation (all possible edit actions can now be undone)
* NEW: Active layer and layer hide states are now stored for inactive images
* NEW: Set default image dimensions and background color in config
* NEW: Optional hex input/output in color picker
* NEW: Palettes/skins/configs can now specify hex color codes (in addition to RGB/HSV/named colors)
* NEW: Duplicate image names are allowed, provided each image is located in a separate subdirectory
* NEW: Images with changes are auto-saved after a certain duration (interval set in config)
* NEW: Left/Right arrows skip to previous/next directory in image browser
* NEW: File browser supports direc

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