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SamePitchPlease for Windows 7 - Improve your pitch accuracy with SamePitchPlease. - Windows 7 Download

SamePitchPlease Windows 7

SamePitchPlease 1.09

"Transform your music education with SamePitchPlease - a powerful Windows 7 software for pitch recognition and ear training."

Introducing SamePitchPlease: an innovative software solution from AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin. Designed to enhance your musical abilities by providing real-time pitch feedback, SamePitchPlease offers an intuitive interface and advanced algorithms for accurate detection. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned musician, this Windows 7 compatible software is the perfect tool for improving your pitch and refining your sound. Download SamePitchPlease today and start mastering your musical skills!

SamePitchPlease 1.09 full details

File Size: 53.60 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2016-11-19
Downloads: Total: 114 | This Month: 10
Publisher: AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin
Publisher URL:

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SamePitchPleaseTeaching & Training ToolsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 1.0 (1 vote)

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SamePitchPlease windows 7 compatible

SamePitchPlease 1.09 full description

Ear training is very important to understanding music. Keeping the tonic of a piece in the mind helps to better analyze a piece while listening. Unlike other programs (e. g. Listening-Singing-Teacher), that use a growing melody to improve your musical memory, SamePitchPlease concentrates on learning to keep a single note in your mind. The goal is to learn to produce the same pitch after a longer period of silence with precision If you can produce a specific pitch without the help of a reference tone, then you probably have absolute pitch. Probably, because Absolute Pitch described in Wikipedia requires many other skills beside the production of a pitch without a reference. However, this point can be viewed as the most important of absolute pitch. Therefore, a mean to measure your Pitch Ability was developed. In this way you can scientifically express your Pitch Ability. Your Pitch Ability is the number of seconds for which you are still able to reproduce a heard pitch within a precision of 50 cents after number of seconds silence. SamePitchPlease helps you to train and improve this ability.

SamePitchPlease 1.09 download tags

SamePitchPlease 1.09 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
Consolidation Release with ListeningSingingTeacher's updated common procedures.
[ SamePitchPlease release history ]

SamePitchPlease 1.09 Windows 7 requirements

1 GB Memory; Microphone

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