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Scaling Watermark for Windows 7 - "Add Custom Watermarks Easily: Scaling Watermark for Windows 7" - Windows 7 Download

Scaling Watermark Windows 7

Scaling Watermark 1.0

"Revamp your images with Scaling Watermark- a must-have for Windows 7 users."

Introducing Scaling Watermark by Flipturn Software - the ultimate tool for protecting your images and videos with customized watermarks. This easy-to-use software allows you to seamlessly create watermarks for any media file and adjust placement, transparency, font, and more. Whether you're a professional photographer or just want to add a personal touch to your content, Scaling Watermark is the perfect solution. Get started today and safeguard your intellectual property with ease.

Scaling Watermark 1.0 full details

File Size: 41 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2010-06-24
Downloads: Total: 506 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Flipturn Software
Publisher URL:

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Scaling WatermarkEditorsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 3.1 (11 votes)

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Scaling Watermark 1.0 full description

Scaling Watermark adds a diagonal and a horizontal watermark to your images so that your copyrights are readable in both full-size and thumbnail size.

The diagonal watermark scales to 100% of the image's diagonal size but can be limited by the user to a maximum font size. The user can also specify the text's font, color and transparency. The watermark is always at the correct diagonal angle, regardless of the image's width and height.

The horizonal watermark is always in the bottom-right corner and occupies 33% of the image's width.

Navigate to File->Setup to configure the watermark settings. Some watermarking may take longer to complete because the program saves images in high resolution.

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