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Script Encoder Plus (ScrEnc) for Windows 7 - Advanced script protection for Windows 7. - Windows 7 Download

Script Encoder Plus (ScrEnc) Windows 7

Script Encoder Plus (ScrEnc)

"Secure and protect your code with ScrEnc - Windows 7's ultimate script encoder."

Looking for an efficient solution to protect your valuable scripts? Look no further than ScrEnc from dennisbabkin-dot-com. This powerful software offers advanced encryption and obfuscation techniques, making it virtually impossible for unauthorized users to access your code. With its user-friendly interface and customizable options, ScrEnc is the go-to choice for developers looking to safeguard their scripts. Don't leave your hard work vulnerable – download ScrEnc today and enjoy peace of mind knowing your code is safe and secure.

Script Encoder Plus (ScrEnc) full details

File Size: 3.29 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $19.99
Released: 2018-08-22
Downloads: Total: 83 | This Month: 9
Publisher: dennisbabkin-dot-com
Publisher URL:

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Script Encoder Plus (ScrEnc)ASP & PHPWindows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008r2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista, Windows Vist

User Rating: 0 (0 votes)

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Script Encoder Plus (ScrEnc) windows 7 compatible

Script Encoder Plus (ScrEnc) full description

Script Encoder Plus is a tool for developers seeking to scramble or obfuscate their classic ASP/HTML code, as well as JScript and VBScript running under the Windows Script Host. Developers can also benefit from Script Encoder Plus ability to obfuscate or minify client-side HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. This tool can also minify classic C and C++ source code. On top of this, the Script Encoder Plus still supports Windows Script Encoder method (originally provided by Microsoft's screnc tool.) Features: 1. Obfuscation of JavaScript, JScript, VBScript standalone files. 2. Obfuscation of HTML and HTML-style files that may include JavaScript, JScript, VBScript blocks inside. 3. Obfuscation of classic ASP files that may contain HTML mark-up and VBScript script inside. 4. Scrambling of JavaScript, JScript, VBScript code in a file or embedded in HTML page using Windows Script Encoder method (emulation of screnc.exe by Microsoft.) 5. Minification or compression (reduction of size) of HTML/ASP/JScript/VBScript documents without obfuscation. 6. Flexible settings for obfuscation that allow to fine-tune levels of scrambling. 7. Runs with a GUI interface that allows to preview 'Before' and 'After' scripts to see the results of obfuscation. 8. Ability to preview obfuscated page and compare it with an original document. 9. Scrambling of C/C++/MFC source code files into solid code chunks making them hard to view or edit. 10. Checking of missing and/or extra semicolons in JavaScript, JScript code. Supports built-in function to check correctness of JScript/VBScript code. 11. Support of international code pages and file encodings (overall Unicode support). 12. Ability to change code page and file encoding while saving in a file. 13. Ability to make a Unix-compatible file (with a single linefeed at the end of lines). 14. Command line support, for expansion of the GUI functionality. 15. Supports batch conversion of entire folders using command line.

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Script Encoder Plus (ScrEnc) Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
New Major Version Release.
[ Script Encoder Plus (ScrEnc) release history ]

Script Encoder Plus (ScrEnc) Windows 7 requirements

Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, IE5 or later

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