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Script Execute for Windows 7 - "Automate tasks with Script Execute" - Windows 7 Download

Script Execute Windows 7

Script Execute 4.0.63 B719

Boost productivity with powerful Script Execute for Windows 7.

As a Windows 7 user, you know the importance of having reliable software. Meet Script Execute, a plugin developed by AGG Software that helps you automate your printing process. With Script Execute, you can easily execute a series of scripts seamlessly, making your printing tasks faster and more efficient. Forget about having to perform repetitive printing tasks, Script Execute has got you covered. Get your hands on it now and experience the difference it can make!

Script Execute 4.0.63 B719 full details

File Size: 1.61 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2023-07-27
Downloads: Total: 1625 | This Month: 14
Publisher: AGG Software
Publisher URL:

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Script ExecuteOffice Suites & ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 2.7 (18 votes)

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Script Execute 4.0.63 B719 full description

The filter module "Script execute" for our data loggers (for example, Accurate Printer Monitor ) is an interpreter for scripts written in most popular programming languages. Unique feature of this plug-in is ability to use several languages (PascalScript, C++Script, JScript and BasicScript), so you can write scripts using your favorite language. The plug-in doesn't use Microsoft Scripting Host, so it can be used on any computer with Windows.

"Script execute" combines cross-platform scripting, fast code execution, small footprint, rich set of features and a splendid scalability. Make your applications the most flexible and powerful ones with "Script execute".

It is a smart tool easy in use. Supports most standard functions and operators for all languages. Within scripts you can change values of parser variables or/and add new variables to the export. The plug-in allows you to filter data packets and send data to a port.

* Multi-language architecture allows you to use a number of languages (at present moment PascalScript, C++Script, BasicScript, JScript).
* Standard language set: variables, constants, procedures, functions (nested functions allowed) with var/const/default parameters, all the standard operators and statements (including case, try/finally/except, with), types (int, float, bool, char, string, multi-dimensional array, enum, variant), classes (with methods, events, properties, indices and default properties).
* Types compatibility checking.
* Access to any some standard class (for example, TStrings, TFileStream).
* Allows storing values between executions.
* Allows sending string, bytes or data arrays to a port.
* Can be used with multiple ports and in multiple configurations

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