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Serial to Ethernet Connector for Windows 7 - "Connect Serial Devices with Ease!" - Windows 7 Download

Serial to Ethernet Connector Windows 7

Serial to Ethernet Connector 7.1

"Connect serial devices to Ethernet seamlessly with this powerful software."

Looking for a reliable software solution to connect your serial devices to Ethernet? Look no further than Serial to Ethernet Connector by Eltima Software. This powerful tool allows you to easily redirect serial data to any TCP/IP address, making it perfect for industrial automation, POS systems, and more. With a user-friendly interface and robust security features, Serial to Ethernet Connector is the ultimate solution for serial device connectivity. Download it today and experience seamless data transfer like never before.

Serial to Ethernet Connector 7.1 full details

File Size: 4.80 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $259.95
Released: 2016-05-25
Downloads: Total: 938 | This Month: 21
Publisher: Eltima Software
Publisher URL:

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Serial to Ethernet ConnectorTerminal & Telnet ClientsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, Windows 2003, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012

User Rating: 2.8 (19 votes)

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Serial to Ethernet Connector windows 7 compatible

Serial to Ethernet Connector 7.1 full description

Turn your computer into a terminal server using Serial to Ethernet Converter with its amazing capability to share serial devices in unlimited quantities over network. With Serial to Ethernet solution you’ll have a complete access to any device attached to a COM port from any place in the world as if it was physically connected to your local machine. The data sent by a COM port device is transferred over TCP/IP network. Windows OS will take the virtual serial ports for real ones due to our virtual serial port technology that can fully emulate behavior of standard COM ports. There is no limitation on the number of physical serial ports or/and COM port connections you can initialize. Whereas being treated as physical, virtual serial ports don’t occupy the real ones. With RS232 to Ethernet software you will be able to: share COM port for incoming connections, connect the port to a remote computer, and share your serial port over UDP. Since version 7.0 Serial over Ethernet Connector offers a completely new user interface that is sure to provide genuinely easy connections’ initialization, management, convenient virtualization, and more.

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Serial to Ethernet Connector 7.1 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Added: a redesigned interface; the ability to export/import the connections configuration (from the GUI as well as the command line); the ability to set the size of the buffer or disable buffering altogether. Improved: performance when creating multiple virtual COM ports at a time, conditional data sending: you can now specify multiple conditions; the “Send data when received char with code” condition now accepts characters with ASCII codes above 127; on removing a connection, the virtual COM port is now deleted even when opened. Fixed: an issue where the GUI failed to connect to the service after reopening; incorrect behavior of strict baud rate emulation; some activation issues; a crash of the service on attempt to create a virtual COM port with a long name; a condition where a client connection set to communicate with a large number of servers could disappear after a reboot; a crash of the GUI on attempt to send a mirror request; a condition where a server would sometimes start listening for connections when not supposed to (i.e. when configured to start listening only when the COM port is opened, and the port was closed); the service could become unresponsive on startup on some older processors; with delayed sending enabled, the data could get split across multiple network packets; the “Break connection if no activity” option was not functional; a break signal from a device was not transmitted when using the Telnet protocol; a few minor bugs related to flow control negotiation.
[ Serial to Ethernet Connector release history ]

Serial to Ethernet Connector 7.1 Windows 7 requirements

Minimum IE 6 installed, Processor: Pentium II class at least 200 MHz; RAM: 64 MB; Disk Space: 20 MB

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