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Sidebar Radio for Windows 7 - "Enhance Windows 7 with Sidebar Radio" - Windows 7 Download

Sidebar Radio Windows 7

Sidebar Radio 2.4

"Stream your favorite radio stations with Sidebar Radio - a must-have Windows 7 app."

Welcome to the ultimate destination for Windows 7 software downloads! We are thrilled to present to you an innovative application that will change the way you listen to radio –Sidebar Radio by R. Matt Angiulo. With its sleek, easy-to-use design, Sidebar Radio brings your favorite radio stations directly to your desktop. Whether you want to jam out to your favorite hits or stay current with the latest news, Sidebar Radio has it all! Download it now and experience the future of radio technology.

Sidebar Radio 2.4 full details

File Size: 205 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2008-11-04
Downloads: Total: 6850 | This Month: 15
Publisher: R. Matt Angiulo
Publisher URL:

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Sidebar RadioInternet RadioWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.8 (31 votes)

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Sidebar Radio 2.4 full description

Sidebar Radio enables you to listen to streaming radio from the Google Desktop Sidebar.


# *New* - Added the ability to play the 10 most recent podcasts from the pull out menu. Just place your favorite podcast rss in the options dialog and it will show the 10 recent podcasts that can play directly in the Sidebar Radio! You must have the Podcast checkbox checked off to work. By default, the podcast chosen is the Preston and Steve show from WMMR in Philadelphia. (11/02/07)
# *New* - Updated the context menu for a shortcut to allow the podcast to show in the pull out menu. (11/02/07)
# *New* - If in the expanded mode with the Podcast enabled, you can still choose a radio station to play from the expanded section and have the ability to chose a podcast from the pull out menu. (11/02/07)
# Revamped the look just a bit. If you click on the Artist name, the gadget will expand at the bottom and show the ten stations. You can also expand it by the check box in the options menu as well. This shortcut can be disabled in the options menu. (9/19/07)
# Updated the pull out menu. I made it so it updates the station names each time it is opened. Also, added the background color to be the same as the gadget itself. (9/19/07)
# The text now can only be aligned at the left. I switched the way it was displayed because the way I have it set up now, only the text is clickable and not the entire "row" of text. (9/19/07)
# Removed the progress bar thumb image. It functions the same way as it always has. It looks a bit classier now. (9/19/07)
# Due to the oversight that you can completely make the gadget disappear, I changed the way you change to opacity. It is now a pull down menu. (9/19/07)
# Changed some colors and changed the way the color is now selected. (9/19/07)
# Added the ability to fast forward and rewind 10 seconds. This option will only be enabled if the file has a set duration. Click on the time start to rewind or click on the time end to fast forward. (5/11/07)
# Added the ability to change the background colors. Current colors available are: blue, brown, forest green, green, navy blue, orange, peach, pink, purple, red, teal & yellow. (4/07/07)
# Added in the options section the ability to change the gadget's opacity. (4/06/07)
# Fixed the images. Made the background image rounded. (4/06/07)
# Revamped the look of the gadget. Added new buttons on the bottom, a progress bar for media files & a new line for the title of the current media playing. Also, added two timers. One counts up from play and the other counts down from play. Only start will work for streaming media while both will work for media files. (2/01/07)
# Gadget allows for easy play of media files. You can play any file that is able to be played with Windows Media Player. When playing a playlist file (.pls) you can move forward or backward in the list. (2/01/07)
# With the addition of the previous and next buttons, you can now use those to scroll through your radio stations or media files. (2/01/07)
# Updated the options menu with 'browse' buttons to find media files on your computer.
* Added a link to a list of URLs that people have asked me to get. (1/08/07)
* I updated the layout and the options just a bit. The text can not be aligned to the left or right. Also, you can now flip the entire layout. (1/08/07)
* Added clickable shortcuts to the Station Name and Activity Status. If the Station Name is clicked a pull out window will show the radio stations that you can click to change the stations. If the Activity Status is clicked it will bring up the options menu. These shortcuts can be turned on or off through the options menu. (1/08/07)

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