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Small Utilities for Windows 7 - "Streamline Your Tasks: Small Utilities for Windows 7." - Windows 7 Download

Small Utilities Windows 7

Small Utilities

Discover the ultimate toolkit for Windows 7 users with Small Utilities.

Looking for powerful and reliable small utilities to boost your Windows 7 experience? Look no further than the Small Utilities developed by Softspecialists. This suite of essential tools includes everything from file and disk management to network analysis and system information. With intuitive design and easy-to-use interface, Small Utilities is a must-have for any Windows 7 user looking to optimize their system and streamline their workflow. Download your copy today.

Small Utilities full details

File Size: 4.30 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2022-11-22
Downloads: Total: 68 | This Month: 9
Publisher: Softspecialists
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Small UtilitiesOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 1.3 (3 votes)

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Small Utilities full description

The Suite is a collection of all below listed sixty-nine Softspecialists Utilities. You can choose whether to download all the utilities together by the following link or pick them individually from the list below. Each application is fully portable, thus you can download the .ZIP file, decompress it and use the program from where you extracted it.

Instead, the suite (that is an executable file) is self-installing, so just download and run it.

Small Utilities consists of the following tools:
· AddPath - Add or remove path to the %PATH% variable. With this utility you can add or remove a path in a search path.
· Ask - Quering an user input from console. It offering timeout, default value and more.
· BootCopy - BootCopy is a Windows native program that will let you to smoothly perform a file copy while Windows is booting.
· Bundle - Bundle let you to puts a bunch of files into a single executable.
· ByteCopy - ByteCopy is a lightweight program based on NT native API for quickly copy file up to 1000 Tera Byte.
· CCalc - Perform calculations from the console or batch file. Besides the traditional operators are available advanced mathematical functions.
· CDOpCl - CD/DVD Drive door opens and closes. Check the status of your CD player even remotely, with this program because you can open or close the door of the CD/DVD drive.
· Char2Code - Display the corresponding code of given character.
· ChgScreenRes - Change Screen Resolution. Usefull for change the screen resolution from startup folders or scheduled tasks.
· ClearClipboard - Clear the clipboard contents.
· CloseWin - Shut down or restart windows. Shut down or restart windows on local or remote PC. The shut down process could be stopped.
· Code2Char - Display the corresponding character of given code. It can be also used as a decimal to exadecimal converter (and vice-versa).
· CreaFile - Create a disk file and fills it on fly. Quickly create a file with the size that you give it to command line. Usefull for system and file transfer testing.
· CSID - Quickly retrive the computer's security identifier (SID).
· DTCalc - Do simple calculation with date and time values where valid date range is between 1601 through 30827, time use the 24 hour clock convention.
· EmptyBin - Quickly empty the recycle bin. Quickly empty the recycle bin with or without confirmation, progress bar and sound.
· Error - Translate an error number into a description. With this utility you can quickly display tre error description from the error code.
· Folders - Folders enable you to quickly explore the Windows special folders.
· InPrivate - Keep enduring Internet Explorer 8 InPrivate Filtering settings. You can choose and save the IE8 InPrivate Filtering settings in a permanent mode.
· Int2IP - Converts an integer value that rappresents an IP address into the classic dotted string.
· InUse - Display files opened on a network mapped drive. It is quite similar to the OPENFILES /Query /S myserver command except that it shows the file using the mapped network path instead the server local path (share physical path).
· IP2Int - Converts a classic dotted IP address string into it's correspondent integer value. IsAdmin - Discovery if the current user is an administrator. With this utility you can easily detect if the current user is an administrator..
· IsInUse - Detect if file is used (opened). It works on both network mapped drive and local drive.
· Log - The Log.exe is a Windows program for writing any message into log files. If log file doesn't exist it will be created. Date and time are automatically added to each row.
· Micry - MiCry is an innovative way for handling your data privacy an security due it's new way to encrypt and decrypt data where the method used by encrypt the data became an "algorithm sequence" that sound like an another password. In fact a brute force attack for decrypt data before to break your password it should detect the agorithm sequence.

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