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Smart CD Catalog Lite for Windows 7 - "Organize your collection with Smart CD Catalog Lite." - Windows 7 Download

Smart CD Catalog Lite Windows 7

Smart CD Catalog Lite 2.15

"Organize your CD/DVD collection with ease - try Smart CD Catalog Lite."

Looking for a hassle-free way to organize your CD collection? Look no further than Smart CD Catalog Lite from Abaiko Software. This user-friendly software allows you to quickly and easily catalog your CDs, DVDs, and even flash drives. With built-in search capabilities and customizable fields, Smart CD Catalog Lite is an essential tool for any music or movie lover. Whether you're a casual listener or a serious collector, this software is a must-have for keeping your music and movies organized and easily accessible. Get your copy today!

Smart CD Catalog Lite 2.15 full details

File Size: 5.51 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2009-03-30
Downloads: Total: 846 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Abaiko Software
Publisher URL:

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Smart CD Catalog LiteFile & Disk ManagementWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.6 (17 votes)

Smart CD Catalog Lite - Windows 7 Download awards

Smart CD Catalog Lite windows 7 compatible

Smart CD Catalog Lite 2.15 full description

Are you having troubles organizing your disks? What if you have a large number of CDs and DVDs, documents, MP3 files, video and photo libraries, software packages, data backups and other disks? What if you just want to know what files are on your disks? You might have to check all your disks, insert them into the drive one by one, waste a large amount of time and tire yourself out and wear your computer. Smart CD Catalog Lite will help you create an ordered CD/DVD database. With Smart CD Catalog Lite, you can fast and easily find the needed disk, folder and file and view the contents of your disks without inserting them into the CD drive!

Smart CD Catalog Lite 2.15 download tags

Smart CD Catalog Lite 2.15 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
Added: Windows 7 compatibility.
Fixed: Some crashes.
[ Smart CD Catalog Lite release history ]

Smart CD Catalog Lite 2.15 Windows 7 requirements

Windows PC

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Smart CD Catalog Lite users' reviews

Smart CD Catalog Lite 2.15 review by patrick (Jan 17, 2011)
Does not automatically catalog media, must do it manually.

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