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Smart Defrag for Windows 7 - Optimize your PC with Smart Defrag - Windows 7 Download

Smart Defrag Windows 7

Smart Defrag

Optimize disk performance with Smart Defrag.

Welcome to the most advanced, user-friendly and effective defragmentation software ensuring your computer's performance and stability - Smart Defrag, developed by the prestigious IObit. Its advanced algorithms will quickly defragment your hard disk, boost your computer's speed and increase durability. What's more, it allows you to automate defragmentation process with the "Auto Defrag" function, ensuring hassle-free operation. Try Smart Defrag today and experience the best defrag tool available!

Smart Defrag full details

File Size: 15.21 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2025-01-14
Downloads: Total: 5516 | This Month: 16
Publisher: IObit
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Smart DefragFile & Disk ManagementWin Vista, Win XP, Win10, Win11, Windows 7, Win8

User Rating: 3.6 (34 votes)

Smart Defrag - Windows 7 Download awards

Smart Defrag windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

Smart Defrag full description

Smart Defrag is a reliable, stable, yet easy-to-use disk optimizer designed for quicker data access, faster file processing, and smoother gaming on Windows. Why is Smart Defrag special and attractive? Fully Support Windows 11 As Windows 11 comes to the stage, Smart Defrag is immediately improved to be fully compatible with Windows11. Thus, Smart Defrag can work perfectly on mainstream Windows systems. Defrag HDD Smartly The smart IObit disk defrag engine makes optimizing HDD easily and effectively, greatly improving HDD's reading/writing speed, access speed, and performance. Trim SSD Intelligently While SSD sweeps the computer world, it is also necessary to care for SSD. Smart Defrag introduces the world-leading technology to trim SSD and prolong its lifetime. Optimize Disk Automatically Auto Defrag and Scheduled Defrag ensure your disks are always optimized to their top performance. You are totally free from starting an optimization manually. Optimize Disk Thoroughly Some fragments can't be defragmented while the PC is running. Boot Time Defrag can defrag the Windows registry and files in every corner of the disk at system startup to release more occupied RAM and ensure the system stability. Provide Better Gaming Besides considering common computer users, Smart Defrag also considers gamers. Game Optimize can bring an ultra-smooth gaming experience. Monitor Disk Status Disk Health can monitor your disk status in real time and provide an intuitive view to help you know better about your disk status. What's new: + Enhanced Analyze to provide more accurate results and more proper optimization + More user-friendly notifications + Fixed known bugs

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Smart Defrag Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
+ Optimized the logic of Large File Defrag to speed up disk read/write and enhance disk durability
+ Optimized Auto Analyze for smarter analysis and more accurate results
+ New Lucky Draw to win Smart Defrag Pro codes and IObit product discounts
+ Fixed minor bugs
[ Smart Defrag release history ]

Smart Defrag Windows 7 requirements

300 MHz processor or faster processor; 256 MB of RAM; 200 MB of free hard disk space.

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