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SmartCAT for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize your translations with SmartCAT" - Windows 7 Download

SmartCAT Windows 7

SmartCAT 5.0

Revolutionize translation management with this powerful tool.

Looking for a powerful, all-in-one software solution to streamline your professional translation projects? Look no further than SmartCAT from SmartCAT! This highly intuitive and customizable Windows 7 tool offers everything you need to manage translations, stay on top of project deadlines, and collaborate seamlessly with colleagues and clients alike. With its robust set of features and sleek, user-friendly interface, SmartCAT is the ultimate choice for anyone looking to take their translation game to the next level. So why wait? Download SmartCAT today and see for yourself why so many language professionals swear by its cutting-edge technology and unparalleled ease of use!

SmartCAT 5.0 full details

File Size: 24.26 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2016-05-11
Downloads: Total: 836 | This Month: 16
Publisher: SmartCAT
Publisher URL:

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SmartCATLanguagesWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.0 (4 votes)

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SmartCAT 5.0 full description

Translation automation software. For professional translators, translation agencies, and corporate translation departments. Main functions: machine translation, built-in Lingvo dictionaries, translation memory, glossary creation/management, integrated quality assurance, real-time collaboration by multiple translators on the same document, and vendor management. Also available: automatic recognition and conversion (OCR) of PDFs, scanned documents, and images. Once translation memory and glossaries are plugged in, new documents for translation are analyzed for matching segments and sub-segment matches that correspond to previously translated materials. The program automatically inserts a high-quality human translation (not a machine translation) saved in the translation memory from previous documents. If a translator does not have an existing translation memory, the program takes care of TM creation automatically. Translation can be accelerated with post-editing: a machine translation is proposed for each segment and the translator edits the output. The final version is saved to the translation memory. The translation memory grows over time and can be used on future translations in SmartCAT or other CAT tools, since the TM can be exported from SmartCAT in TTX format. All functionality and documents are hosted on a remote server in the cloud. No installation necessary: the program is accessible via web browser on any Internet-connected device. Registration is required, since secure authentication is used to protect server access and keep user materials documents, translation memories, and glossaries private. Supported formats: DOCX, DOC, TXT, PPTX, XLSX, XLS, PDF, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, GIF, DJVU, HTML, TTX, SDLXLIFF, XLF, XLIFF, TMX. When translation is complete, the document can be downloaded as a bilingual file (containing the source text and the translation) or as a monolingual file (source text only or translation only).

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SmartCAT 5.0 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
We added repetition propagation throughout all project documents, fast machine translation. SmartCAT users no longer need to create a project to use machine translation (MT). And added personal profile portfolio. To get more orders in SmartCAT, upload certificates, diplomas, and other documents
[ SmartCAT release history ]

SmartCAT 5.0 Windows 7 requirements


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