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SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition for Windows 7 - "Enhance remote access - SmartCode VNC Manager" - Windows 7 Download

SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition Windows 7

SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition 2023.9.1

Boost remote access with seamless VNC management. Upgrade to SmartCode VNC Manager.

Looking for a reliable remote desktop management software? Look no further than SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition. Developed by SmartCode Solutions, this software enables you to manage and control remote computers effortlessly. With its easy-to-use interface and advanced features, such as automatic SSH tunneling and password encryption, you'll be able to securely access and control your workstations from anywhere in the world. Whether you're a system administrator or IT professional, SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition is the perfect solution for remote desktop management. Download it now and experience the convenience and ease of use for yourself.

SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition 2023.9.1 full details

File Size: 19.30 MB
License: Demo
Price: $41.99
Released: 2023-09-06
Downloads: Total: 960 | This Month: 17
Publisher: SmartCode Solutions
Publisher URL:

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SmartCode VNC Manager Standard EditionComponents & LibrariesWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.4 (28 votes)

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SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition 2023.9.1 full description

SmartCode VNC Manager is a powerful remote administration and monitoring software application for both the business and home network environments. It is typically used for remote network management, remote system administration and in helpdesk environments. The application allows you to take remote control of any computer running VNC, Windows Terminal Services, Microsoft Virtual Server 2005, SSH, or Telnet servers.

In today’s large corporate computer networks, with hundreds of computers located across the globe, the ability to effectively manage all of these computers is the key to the efficient use of staff time and can be a major cost saving factor. That’s why we created SmartCode VNC Manager: To give you an easy to use yet powerful tool to manage, monitor, and remotely control your computers. SmartCode VNC Manager software is used by thousands of small, midsized and large businesses worldwide.

SmartCode VNC Manager is easy to learn. Its intuitive interface and smart defaults means there’s no steep learning curve, so you can start using it immediately. The customizable interface can be tailored to your exact needs and preferences.

· Latest RealVNC 4.1 and TightVNC 1.3 distributions are fully supported
· VNC deployment wizard. Allows remote installation and un-installation of TightVNC, RealVNC and UltraVNC based servers
· "Reset Remote VNC Server Password" wizard. Allows you to mass reset password on a remote VNC servers
· Customizable "External tools" allows you to easily launch other applications while working in the VNC Manager. You can specify arguments and a working directory when launching the tool
· Integrated Windows domain and workgroup computers browser. With ability to browse computer shares, open Computer Manager snap-in and Windows Explorer
· Windows domain/workgroup and IP address (up to class B network) scan. Allows scan for active VNC servers. Includes support for multiple ports scan
· VNC Manager can connect to UltraVNC server using Windows NTLM authentication mode
· TightVNC and UltraVNC file transfers support
· UltraVNC Repeater proxy suport
· VNC Manager allows system administrators to Reboot or Shutdown remote computer
· Thumbnail view allows multiple computers to be monitored on-screen at once. Thumbnail view has support for connection pooling mode. Items added to the thumbnail view can be restored upon application restart
· Customizable "Action scripts" allows to perform some action before connection to VNC or RDP server will be established or when you will be disconnected from the server. For instance, you can establish a dial-up connection using VBscript based file
· VNC Manager has built-in support for HTTP and SOCKS5 proxies
· Start/Stop/Restart the remote VNC Windows service
· Server Status scan. Checks for VNC server status. Can be started manually or set to update server status via time interval
· Capture and save screenshots of remote VNC server screen. Also, in the Thumbnails View - user can take screenshots via user configured time intervals
· VNC and Windows RDP viewer window stretching. Remote server screen will always fit in the viewer window no matter what screen size the remote computer has
· Export servers list to a Tab/comma separated file
· User can change GUI style - Available styles are Office 2003, Visual Studio 2005 and Windows XP
· Automatic search folders provide a quick filter for connected VNC and RDP sessions
· Default session. Allows you to set default setting for newly registered servers
· Default password. You can specify a default password to connect with, or a specific one for each connection
· Active sessions can be viewed in separate windows or in Tab view panels
· VNC Manager does not require VNC viewer to be installed. It uses an ActiveX VNC viewer control developed by SmartCode
· VNC Manager can send Wake-on-LAN "magic packet" that allows a network professional to remotely power on a computer or to wake it up from sleep mode

SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition 2023.9.1 download tags

SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition 2023.9.1 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Updated UltraVNC deployment package to the v1.4.3.1
Updated TightVNC deployment package to the v2.8.81
Updated detection of the latest versions of TeamViewer, RAdmin, DameWare Mini Remote control
Various updates to the built-in VNC viewer
The trial period has been reset
[ SmartCode VNC Manager Standard Edition release history ]

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