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Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter for Windows 7 - Effortlessly convert Lotus Notes contacts. - Windows 7 Download

Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter Windows 7

Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter 1.0

"Effortlessly convert Lotus Notes contacts with user-friendly software"

Welcome to the ultimate solution for handling your Lotus Notes contacts - Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter. Developed by industry veterans Softaken, this Windows 7 software is a surefire way to convert your Lotus Notes contacts to popular formats such as CSV, VCF, and PST. With an intuitive interface and lightning-fast processing, managing your contacts has never been easier. Say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to effortless contact management with Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter.

Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter 1.0 full details

File Size: 3.73 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $49.00
Released: 2019-06-21
Downloads: Total: 42 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Softaken
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Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts ConverterFile & Disk ManagementWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 1.5 (2 votes)

Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter - Windows 7 Download awards

Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter windows 7 compatible

Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter 1.0 full description

Get a proficient way to access Lotus Notes contacts to other platforms by converting Lotus Notes contacts to VCF format. As VCF is a universally accepted contact saving format so by conversion of NSF contacts into VCF format, users can view Lotus Notes contacts to Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook, Thunderbird, Android mobiles, etc. The application also facilitates conversion of NSF contacts to CSV, MSG, and PST formats. In this way, users are free to access Lotus Notes contacts into other applications. No extra efforts are required by the application to convert Lotus Notes contacts into VCF format. The tool can be quickly handled even with a novice user. The simplified and helping interface is there to complete the contacts conversion task without any hindrances. Users can convert multiple NSF contacts file at a time by choosing Folder Mode for adding contacts. This will help users to load a complete folder of contacts from Lotus Notes client. After scanning and verification of NSF contacts file, a preview of the loaded contacts is displayed by Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter. The program maintains the contacts in an organized manner and not a single alteration is done to the contacts. There are no worries of file misplacement and damage during the complete export process. Users always get safe conversion of NSF contacts to VCF format. A complete checking of the performance of Lotus Notes Contacts Converter Program is done with the help of demo version which allows few contacts conversion from NSF to VCF format. If you have multiple contacts to export into Outlook and other platforms, buy the complete edition of Softaken Lotus Notes Address Book Converter. The smart application is designed to suit all Windows platforms so you can easily run the application on any Windows without worrying about its version.

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Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter 1.0 Windows 7 release notes

Softaken Lotus Notes Contacts Converter 1.0 Windows 7 requirements

Pentium II 1 Ghz, 1GB RAM, Minimum 512 MB Space

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