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SplViewer for Windows 7 - "View & print SPL files with ease - SplViewer" - Windows 7 Download

SplViewer Windows 7


"Enhance your printing experience with SplViewer - The ultimate print spool file viewer."

Welcome to the world of SplViewer – a high-performance and versatile software solution for Windows 7. Developed by renowned programmer Dieter Riekert, this comprehensive tool is designed to give users an intuitive and user-friendly interface to view and analyze SPL (Windows print spool) files with ease. Whether you’re a business user, developer, or IT professional, SplViewer is the perfect solution for your printing requirements. Its advanced features and functionalities allow you to examine the data and metadata, quickly identify issues, and enjoy significantly faster processing times. Discover the world of SplViewer today!

SplViewer full details

File Size: 841 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2010-11-17
Downloads: Total: 47 | This Month: 10
Publisher: Dieter Riekert
Publisher URL:

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SplViewerPrinterWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 0 (0 votes)

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SplViewer full description

SPLViewer is a simple and powerful tool for managing printing jobs (delete, sort, filter, view, ...) Main actions: - Print jobs again also on other printers, - Save including fonts - Display EMF jobs graphically - Bulk operations the SPLViewer is freeware. Here are some more features: - Copy displayed page as EMF and use in other programs like Word to document printer output e.g. for manuals. - The tool is statically linked and does not need any additional libraries. If no help files are needed, the exe file is sufficient. - Fast memory mapped file techniques were used which gives the Viewer a phenomenal speed.

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SplViewer Windows 7 release notes

Media Only
That is the first version
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SplViewer Windows 7 requirements

Very low

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