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SQL Agent Insight for Windows 7 - "Master SQL Agent Management" - Windows 7 Download

SQL Agent Insight Windows 7

SQL Agent Insight 0.9.5326.0

Elevate SQL performance with SQL Agent Insight.

SQL Agent Insight by Brentec IT Solutions is an exceptional tool designed to help database administrators effectively manage and monitor their SQL Server Agent jobs. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, it allows you to easily troubleshoot failed jobs, identify performance bottlenecks, and customize notifications and alerts. Increase your productivity and streamline your workflow with SQL Agent Insight today.

SQL Agent Insight 0.9.5326.0 full details

File Size: 184 kB
License: Trialware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-08-12
Downloads: Total: 581 | This Month: 60
Publisher: Brentec IT Solutions
Publisher URL:

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SQL Agent InsightTelnet ServersWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.1 (14 votes)

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SQL Agent Insight windows 7 compatible

SQL Agent Insight 0.9.5326.0 full description

SQL Agent Insight is a monitoring tool for Microsoft's SQL Server Agent. SQL Agent Insight operates in the background, allowing the DBA to focus on other critical day-to-day operations.

- Works with SQL Server Agent 2005, 2008 and 2008 R2.
- Over 40 monitored SQL Server Agent metrics including Jobs, Schedules, Alerts, Operators, Categories along with Database Mail.
- Quickly determine key areas within SQL Server Agent that have changed from configured thresholds.
- Vibrant visual threshold colors for easy insight into problem areas.
- Monitor multiple SQL Server Agents concurrently.
- Threshold configuration with options to load/save for future use.
- Critical threshold logging for later review.
- Visual taskbar notifications matching threshold severity.
- Agentless operation.
- Everything is done via SQL protocols. NO specially configured databases, nor are there any installed procedures on your production SQL servers. A clean stand-alone product.
- No installation required; runs directly from any folder or from a portable USB thumbdrive.

SQL Agent Insight 0.9.5326.0 download tags

SQL Agent Insight 0.9.5326.0 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
New Features:
Successfully tested with SQL Server 2014 Agent!
5 new monitored metrics!
MSDB size
Last full backup of MSDB
Recently failed jobs
Recently canceled jobs
Jobs that have never run
Monitored Servers Summary - a consolidated view showing all monitored servers, for a quick glance at all monitored systems, with a configuration option to show this form on application startup.
Option to prevent sleep mode and the screen saver from invoking. Beneficial when used in a NOC environment.
The option to open a recently connected server by double-clicking its name.
Job Conflict Summary dialog can now be resized to show more information on the screen.
Restoration of SQL Agent Insight from minimized view now brings it to the foreground.
Progressbar on each Insight visually indicates when the next update for that Insight will occur.
[ SQL Agent Insight release history ]

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