SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable for Windows 7 - "Organize Your Life with My Calendar Diary" - Windows 7 Download

SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable 2.4
"Effortlessly plan & organize your life with SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable."
Introducing SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable, a versatile software designed to streamline your daily planning and organizing tasks. Developed by Van Loo Software, this software offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that is perfect for users who demand high-quality functionality. With its advanced scheduling and organizational features, you can easily manage your appointments, events, and tasks with ease. It is portable and compatible with Windows 7, making it the perfect solution for people on the go. Make your life easier now by downloading SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable.
SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable 2.4 full details

File Size: | 2.00 MB |
License: | Freeware |
Price: | FREE |
Released: | 2016-11-03 |
Downloads: | Total: 964 | This Month: 16 |
Publisher: | Van Loo Software |
Publisher URL: | https://www.ssuitesoft.com/ |

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SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable 2.4 full description
SSuite My Calendar Diary Portable is a software utility whose purpose is to provide individuals with a simple means of keeping better track of their schedule.
Portability perks:
As the name clearly suggests it, this tool is portable. This means that you are not required to go through the installation process, and it is not going to update the Windows registry and hard drive, with new entries without your approval. It is also important to mention here that if you place the program files to an external storage unit (e.g. pen drive), you make it possible to take SSuite My Calendar Diary Portable everywhere with you, and run it on the fly, on any PC you have been granted access to.
Clean environment:
The interface you come by is minimal, as it only consists of a calendar of the current and previous month, a few buttons and a pane to display all your appointments for the day. Both power and novice users can learn how to find their way around it, without facing any kind of difficulty.
Set up events for the whole year:
It is possible to add an unlimited number of appointments, along with time, description, comments (if any) and priority (normal, high, medium, low). In addition to that, you can manage them, as all meetings can be edited, deleted, move to another date or just viewed.
The CPU and memory usage is low at all times, which means that the system's performance is not going to be affected, and you can run it alongside other apps, without encountering issues. All jobs are performed quite swiftly and the interface is user-friendly.
Keep all your appointments up to date while your on the move. Appointments may be indexed by priority.
Portability perks:
As the name clearly suggests it, this tool is portable. This means that you are not required to go through the installation process, and it is not going to update the Windows registry and hard drive, with new entries without your approval. It is also important to mention here that if you place the program files to an external storage unit (e.g. pen drive), you make it possible to take SSuite My Calendar Diary Portable everywhere with you, and run it on the fly, on any PC you have been granted access to.
Clean environment:
The interface you come by is minimal, as it only consists of a calendar of the current and previous month, a few buttons and a pane to display all your appointments for the day. Both power and novice users can learn how to find their way around it, without facing any kind of difficulty.
Set up events for the whole year:
It is possible to add an unlimited number of appointments, along with time, description, comments (if any) and priority (normal, high, medium, low). In addition to that, you can manage them, as all meetings can be edited, deleted, move to another date or just viewed.
The CPU and memory usage is low at all times, which means that the system's performance is not going to be affected, and you can run it alongside other apps, without encountering issues. All jobs are performed quite swiftly and the interface is user-friendly.
Keep all your appointments up to date while your on the move. Appointments may be indexed by priority.
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Windows 7 Download periodically updates pricing and software information of SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable full version from the publisher, but some information may be out-of-date. You should confirm all information.
Using warez version, crack, warez passwords, patches, serial numbers, registration codes, key generator, pirate key, keymaker or keygen for SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable license key is illegal and prevent future development of SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, SSuite Office - My Calendar Diary Portable torrent or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, SendSpace, DepositFiles, DivShare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe or MediaFire, are not used.
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