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SSuite Recipe Organiser for Windows 7 - "Get organized in the kitchen with SSuite Recipe Organiser" - Windows 7 Download

SSuite Recipe Organiser Windows 7

SSuite Recipe Organiser

"Organize your recipes seamlessly with this intuitive software"

SSuite Recipe Organiser is an essential tool for every cook and chef out there. With its user-friendly interface and powerful set of features, managing your recipes has never been easier. This software allows you to categorize and search your recipes, add photos and comments, and even create your own custom recipe layouts. Whether you're an experienced chef or a beginner in the kitchen, SSuite Recipe Organiser will help you keep your recipes organized and accessible. And the best part? It's completely free! So why not try it out today?

SSuite Recipe Organiser full details

File Size: 7.37 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2023-01-07
Downloads: Total: 266 | This Month: 8
Publisher: SSuite Office Software
Publisher URL:

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SSuite Recipe OrganiserHealth & NutritionWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win8 x32, Win8 x64, Win10 x32, Win10 x64, Win11 x32, Win11 x64, Win12 x32, Win12 x64, Win Other

User Rating: 3.2 (20 votes)

SSuite Recipe Organiser - Windows 7 Download awards

SSuite Recipe Organiser windows 7 compatible

SSuite Recipe Organiser full description

This is a small and easy to use kitchen recipe organiser and database for anyone wanting to start as an aspiring chef. Also includes data meta-tags for easier searching and indexing of recipes from the main window. Cookbooks are kind of old-fashioned and have a number of disadvantages. For example they can't be easily edited, searched or shared online. What's more, they tend to become damaged and worn as time goes by. SSuite Recipe Organiser can help overcome some of the traditional cookbook's limitations by providing a simple, intuitive database to help store recipes. Easy to organize and search: The main window of the application features two resizable tabs and a number of conveniently placed buttons which allow users to create and view categories or search for recipes. A comprehensive print preview feature is also available to print all your recipes. Functional built-in text editor: Recipes are entered or modified by using the full featured built-in text editor. One can also import recipes or text from TXT and RTF files. Drag and drop is also supported directly from any other application or web browser. As an extra feature, the editor can also handle conversions between various units of mass and volume that may be encountered in the kitchen such as grams, millilitres, cups, ounces and pints. This application may also be used as a general database for any other subject or field of data collection. Take Note - This edition is NOT backward compatible with previous releases! Runs on All Windows installations! 32-bit and 64-bit No Java or DotNet required. Green Energy Software. Saving the planet one bit at a time...

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SSuite Recipe Organiser Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
Rebuild from the ground up and is not backward compatible with previous releases!
[ SSuite Recipe Organiser release history ]

SSuite Recipe Organiser Windows 7 requirements

1024 x 768 Display Size | Windows All

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