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SSuite WordGraph Portable for Windows 7 - Portable word processor software for Windows 7. - Windows 7 Download

SSuite WordGraph Portable Windows 7

SSuite WordGraph Portable

"Revolutionize your writing anytime, anywhere with WordGraph Portable - a feature-packed Windows 7 software."

Looking for an easy-to-use word processing software that won't weigh you down? Look no further than SSuite WordGraph Portable! Developed by the experts at SSuite Office Software, this powerful program is perfect for anyone who needs to create and edit documents on the go. With a sleek and intuitive interface, advanced formatting tools, and support for a wide range of file formats, SSuite WordGraph Portable is an essential tool for any writer or student. So why wait? Download your copy today and start creating your masterpiece!

SSuite WordGraph Portable full details

File Size: 9.49 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-05-25
Downloads: Total: 298 | This Month: 11
Publisher: SSuite Office Software
Publisher URL:

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SSuite WordGraph PortableOffice Suites & ToolsWindows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win8 x32, Win8 x64, Win10 x32, Win10 x64, Win11 x32, Win11 x64, Win12 x32, Win12 x64, Win Other

User Rating: 4.2 (17 votes)

SSuite WordGraph Portable - Windows 7 Download awards

SSuite WordGraph Portable windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

SSuite WordGraph Portable full description

SSuite WordGraph portable is a comprehensive and reliable word processor designed to help you create and edit written documents, providing you with the ability to insert images and several other elements. Simple-to-use environment: The program is fairly simple to run and handle, featuring a user-friendly and intuitive interface, with an extensive toolbar and multiple menus you can use. Also, it can work with multiple tabs, so you can switch back and forth between several open documents, copying and pasting fragments. Extensions you can use When opening a one-page file, you can choose between multiple layouts, such as Landscape, Portrait, A4, Letter, Legal and others. In the case of documents containing numerous pages, you can preview them in the left side and click on specific one to open it. Insert pictures, use rulers and add symbols: The main window of the utility features left and right rulers, enabling you to easily estimate the dimensions of the objects you insert, like pictures; you can even add an image from a scanning device or other capturing software. SSuite WordGraph features numerous fonts, as well as a wide array of special characters and symbols which you can insert in your documents. The tool includes the ability to choose the preferred alignment style, bullets, formatting styles (underline, italics, bold etc.), or insert the current date. Check your spelling, save files as templates, and search for an item: A spell checker is put at your disposal, as well as several emoticons, an equation builder and word counter, while it is also possible to use an integrated translation engine and add custom phrases to a list so that you can use them at a later date. Last but not least, you can easily save items to a built-in document template library, use a search function, as well as a find and replace one. . . No Java or DotNet required. Green Energy Software. Saving the planet one bit at a time.

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SSuite WordGraph Portable Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Updated features with better Windows 10 and beyond compatibility. Removed IE11 from the interface.
[ SSuite WordGraph Portable release history ]

SSuite WordGraph Portable Windows 7 requirements

1024 x 768 Display Size

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