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SSuite Year and Day Planner for Windows 7 - "Streamline daily tasks with Year and Day Planner" - Windows 7 Download

SSuite Year and Day Planner Windows 7

SSuite Year and Day Planner

"Efficient Year and Day planning software for Windows 7"

Looking for reliable scheduling software that will help you organize your year and daily itinerary? Look no further than SSuite Office Software's Year and Day Planner for Windows 7. With its simple and intuitive interface, this software allows you to plan your work and personal life with ease. Whether you're making long-term plans or scheduling upcoming appointments, this planner has you covered. Download it today and take the first step towards a more organized tomorrow!

SSuite Year and Day Planner full details

File Size: 608 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2023-01-07
Downloads: Total: 338 | This Month: 19
Publisher: SSuite Office Software
Publisher URL:

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SSuite Year and Day PlannerPIMS & CalendarsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win8 x32, Win8 x64, Win10 x32, Win10 x64, Win11 x32, Win11 x64, Win12 x32, Win12 x64, Win Other

User Rating: 3.8 (17 votes)

SSuite Year and Day Planner - Windows 7 Download awards

SSuite Year and Day Planner windows 7 compatible

SSuite Year and Day Planner full description

As the name of this piece of software implies, SSuite Year and Day Planner lets you organize your appointments when you're on the go. It can be seamlessly handled, even by inexperienced users. Since this is a portable tool, installing SSuite Year and Day Planner is not necessary. It means that you can store the app on a removable device (like a USB flash drive), save it to any computer and directly run the executable file. What's more important is the fact that the Windows registry is not modified and no leftover items can be found after program removal. The interface of SSuite Year and Day Planner is plain and uncomplicated. A calendar which displays all months and days of the current year is displayed. So, you can click a day from the calendar and create a new appointment by specifying the time, priority, description and comments. Additionally, you can create a new legend by establishing the start and end date, description and legend color. It is also possible to edit and print appointments, as well as to move them to another date. Once you have made several inputs, you can probably notice the dates which hold appointments become bold, so you can easily spot them on the calendar. The straightforward program requires a low amount of CPU and system memory and has a good response time. All in all, SSuite Year and Day Planner offers a straightforward solution for organizing your tasks when you're on the go. Important! Always run this application with full administrator rights! No Java or DotNet required, Green Energy Software. Saving the planet one bit at a time...

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SSuite Year and Day Planner Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
Updated the interface. Now also Portable.
[ SSuite Year and Day Planner release history ]

SSuite Year and Day Planner Windows 7 requirements

1024 x 768 Display Size | Windows All

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