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StreamWriter for Windows 7 - Record, schedule, and organize your favorite radio streams with StreamWriter. - Windows 7 Download

StreamWriter Windows 7

StreamWriter B1135

"Record and tag your online radio with ease - StreamWriter is your perfect solution."

Are you tired of searching for the perfect radio recording tool? Look no further than StreamWriter! Developed by Alexander Nottelmann, this Windows 7 software offers seamless streaming and recording of internet radio and music services. With its intuitive interface and customizable features, you'll have the power to capture and organize your favorite songs and shows effortlessly. Say goodbye to software that falls short of your standards, and start streaming with StreamWriter today!

StreamWriter B1135 full details

File Size: 4.50 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-06-09
Downloads: Total: 929 | This Month: 19
Publisher: Alexander Nottelmann
Publisher URL:

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StreamWriterOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.1 (23 votes)

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StreamWriter B1135 full description

StreamWriter is an easy to use application designed to enable you to record MP3 / AAC-streams broadcasted by internetradio stations for example.

The application is easy to install, easy to use and should meet most requirements: records as many streams as you like, skips ads, is multilingual.


* Record as many streams as you want at the same time
* Track splitting
When a station's played title changes, the received song will be saved. The application tries to cut the song automatically by searching for silence. If no silence is found, songs will be saved with a user defined buffer on the beginning and end so that the song can be manually reworked.
* Integrated function for manual cutting of saved MP3s
* Filters for song titles
You can use two types of filters: One for songs you don't want to save, one for song's you want to save. The filter to use can be specified for every stream.
* Tracks are named by a given pattern
Using multiple variables a pattern for filenames of saved songs can be supplied.
* Short songs (ads) can be skipped
The minumum length for songs can be configured - everything smaller is considered as ad and will not be saved.
* ID3 tagging
* Integrated player for streams
* Multilingual (Englisch/German)
The application is distributed in multiple languages. If you want to translate streamWriter, please go here.
* Can be installed or used in portable mode
When starting the application the first time you can choose whether to use it in installed or portable mode. While using streamWriter, it's easy to apply settings from installed-profile to portable-profile and vice versa.
* Listen while recording
streamWriter has multiple options for listening to a station that is recorded. You can listen to the stream itself or the file that is recorded by using an external player (i.e. Winamp/Windows Media Player).

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StreamWriter is an application for recording streams in mp3- or aac-format broadcasted by internet radio stations. streamWriter is completely free (open-source), is easy to use ...
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