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Strong DC++ full changelog

Strong DC++ full changelog

Strong DC++ 2.42 released Dec 27, 2010 (New Release)
* DC++ 0.777 core synchronization
* added automatic incoming connection type detection
* stability fixes
* added option to disable Explorer theming in listviews and treeviews
* hopefully fixed throttling with very large speeds
* DHT fixes
* updated internal libraries (OpenSSL, BZip2, ZLIB, boost) - fixes some security issues
* removed STLPort dependency
* performance tweaks
* added support to set favorite hub encoding
* DC++ emulation is off by default (for non-favorite hubs)
* webserver encoding changed to utf-8
* webserver session timeout changed to 10 minutes
Strong DC++ 2.41 released Apr 2, 2010 (New Release)
* fixed compatibility with older ADC clients in passive mode
* crash fixes
* deadlock fix
* adding OPs to ignore list is allowed
* correctly displaying finished status in queue frame
* fixed country flags crash under win2000
* added country flags into userlist
* slow chunks overlapping is applied on very slow sources too
* improved clients detection
* ignored users are saved on exit
* tabs can be placed on all sides of window
Strong DC++ 2.40 released Feb 27, 2010 (New Release)
* the first 64-bit release
* merged with DC++ BZR
* added possibility of passive-passive connections
* many DHT fixed and optimizations
* implemented DHT packets encryption
* crash fixes
* added some missing country flags (THX RadoX)
* hopefully fixed UTF-8 in magnet links (FlyLinkDC++)
* added hub address into queue context menu
* changed default hublists
* updated OpenSSL, Boost, WTL libraries
* added favourite hubs groups
* bandwidth limiter optimizations
* chat optimizations (THX Crise)
* look adopted to Windows native theme
* language file name now accepts path relative to strongdc.exe directory
* upload limiter value shown in Connection field (hubs should update their scripts)
* removed TestSUR checking
* many other fixes, changes etc. see developer changelog
Strong DC++ 2.30 released Aug 30, 2009 (New Release)
* fixed upload connection tokens (grant extra slot, upload queue etc.)
* added cheating string for old clients
* get full list when partial one is not available
* fix round-off issue when segmented downloads are disabled (DC++ BZR)
* fix crash on too many connections (DC++ BZR)
* fixed slots info in ADC hubs
* fixed info update on limiter change from toolbar
* improved manual searching for something planned for autosearch
* using OpenSSL with disabled TLS extension
* better hub detection for client-to-client connections
* hopefully fixed extra slot issues
* upload queue position and TLS connections are enabled in spite of stealth mode
* implemented DHT search engine
* rewritten bandwidth limiter
* some other changes, fixes, memory optimizations etc.
Strong DC++ 2.21 released Jul 15, 2008 (New Release)
Strong DC++ 2.22 released Feb 12, 2009 (New Release)
Strong DC++ 2.21 released Jul 15, 2008 (New Release)

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