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Structured Storage Viewer for Windows 7 - "Explore Complex Files with Ease" - Windows 7 Download

Structured Storage Viewer Windows 7

Structured Storage Viewer 4.1.2

"Unlock intricate files with ease. Access detailed information effortlessly with Structured Storage Viewer."

Looking for a versatile yet easy-to-use software to view and manage Structured Storage files on your Windows 7 computer? Look no further than the Structured Storage Viewer developed by Mitec. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, this software makes it a breeze to view, edit, and extract data from your Structured Storage files. Whether you're a professional developer or a casual user, this software is a must-have for anyone dealing with Structured Storage files on Windows 7. Get it today and experience the power of Mitec's Structured Storage Viewer for yourself!

Structured Storage Viewer 4.1.2 full details

File Size: 3.20 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2022-10-31
Downloads: Total: 78 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Mitec
Publisher URL:

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Structured Storage ViewerDatabases & ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 2.0 (3 votes)

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Structured Storage Viewer 4.1.2 full description

This tool allows to completely manage any MS OLE Structured Storage based file. You can save and load streams, add, delete, rename and edit items and property sets.
Embedded streams can be viewed as hexadecimal listing, text, bitmap, icon or RTF.

Codec plugins: This feature allows to add to SSView any 3rd-party encoder/decoder for stored streams.
Plugin is simple DLL with very simple interface. For more info see ZLIBCodec source code (Delphi) in distribution package. This sample Codec plugin does compressing/decompressing of stream data using ZLIB algorithm.

How does it work? Seamlessly. SSV searches its directory for any DLL. If this DLL exports two functions called "EncodeIStream" and "DecodeIStream" then this DLL is considered to be Codec plugin and it is interfaced by SSV. When you browsing file, new menu item is displayed called "Decoders" (but only if any Codec plugin is found). If you choose any of listed decoders then content of viewed stream is processed via "DecodeIStream" routine from choosen decoder and then displayed in decoded form. If data is not in format supported by selected decoder then data is displayed in form in which it is stored. If you save stream data then selected decoder is used as well.
Very similar way is used if you try to load data into stream. Dialog box with available encoders is displayed and data is stored in format given by selected encoder.

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