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Student Response Network for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize student engagement with Student Response Network." - Windows 7 Download

Student Response Network Windows 7

Student Response Network

"Maximize interaction in class with Student Response Network – the perfect software for student engagement."

Looking for a reliable tool to enhance classroom collaboration and engagement? Look no further than Student Response Network by Parallel Divergence Software. This top-rated Windows 7 software allows teachers to create interactive quizzes, polls, and surveys, followed by instant feedback and reporting. With an intuitive interface and unmatched versatility, Student Response Network is a must-have for any educator seeking to maximize student participation and comprehension. Download your copy today!

Student Response Network full details

File Size: 1017 kB
License: Commercial
Price: $125.00
Released: 2009-12-03
Downloads: Total: 525 | This Month: 10
Publisher: Parallel Divergence Software
Publisher URL:

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Student Response NetworkTeaching & Training ToolsWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 2.7 (10 votes)

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Student Response Network windows 7 compatible

Student Response Network full description

If your school or training center has a computer classroom with a projector, then you really should add Student Response Network to make it a real powerhouse of learning. There are so many educational advantages when using audience response systems. Student Response Network costs a tiny fraction of the price of hardware-based “clicker” solutions and offers a few nice extra features that you won’t get with hardware solutions. With SRN there is NO installation required. Simply copy the SRNserver folder to the host PC (typically the teacher’s PC) which should be connected to a projector. It can run from ANY folder on that PC, including from the Desktop or My Documents folders. You can even run it from your trusty USB stick! ANY teacher should be able to set up the SRN Server for their own class. Then Copy the SRNclient folder to each PC that will be participating. Like the server, the client can be run from any folder on each PC, including the Desktop or a server-based folder. Open the SRNclient folder and double-click the SRNclient program and connect to the running SRN server. Once setup, ask your questions however you like - via a Word document or Powerpoint slideshow on the projector or just ask them verbally! You can use Student Response Network to get responses for: - Beat the Buzzer-type gameshow questions (first-in gets to answer) - Yes/No or True/False questions - Multiple Choice questions (up to four way - A/B/C/D) - FreeText Response (Number/Word/Phrase/Sentence) As each client selects their response, the server receives them - instantly. When all responses are received, a bar graph can be displayed showing tallies of all the responses from the class. Actual responses from each individual can be selectively displayed and SRN can even keep a scoreboard of correct answers throughout a session. In the end, every response from every person for every question is provided in spreadsheet form.

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Student Response Network Windows 7 requirements

Local Area Network, wired or wireless

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