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Surface Explorer 3D for Windows 7 - Immerse in Surface Exploration. - Windows 7 Download

Surface Explorer 3D Windows 7

Surface Explorer 3D 3.0

"Experience immersive 3D landscapes with Surface Explorer."

Looking for an immersive, visually-stunning way to explore data? Look no further than Surface Explorer 3D from Dailey Consulting LLC. This cutting-edge Windows 7 software allows you to visualize and interact with your data in a whole new way. Surface Explorer 3D is extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of industries, from geology and earth sciences to product design and architecture. With its user-friendly interface and fast processing capabilities, Surface Explorer 3D is the ideal software for anyone seeking to gain new insights from their data.

Surface Explorer 3D 3.0 full details

File Size: 345 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2021-02-22
Downloads: Total: 83 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Dailey Consulting LLC
Publisher URL:

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Surface Explorer 3DMathematicsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 3.0 (1 vote)

Surface Explorer 3D - Windows 7 Download awards

Surface Explorer 3D windows 7 compatible

Surface Explorer 3D 3.0 full description

Surface Explorer 3D plots mathematical surfaces in 3D. User defined surface equations can be explicit, implicit, or parametric. Surface and color equations are specified by user. The user can export to the clipboard, or file formats including VRML, POV, DXF, STL, and output to a printer. Surface Explorer 3D is provided as freeware in the hopes that others can enjoy exploring math equations. Full MFC C++ source code is included as freeware.

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Surface Explorer 3D 3.0 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Export to STL file format for 3D printing
[ Surface Explorer 3D release history ]

Surface Explorer 3D 3.0 Windows 7 requirements

uses OpenGL

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