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Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable for Windows 7 - "Intuitive MIDI Sequencer, Anywhere!" - Windows 7 Download

Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable Windows 7

Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable 3.4.1

Create music with ease with Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable.

Introducing Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable, a powerful music creation tool offered by Roni Music. Compatible with Windows 7, this user-friendly software is perfect for beginners and professionals alike. With features like pattern-based sequencing, virtual instruments, and chord tracks, Sweet Sixteen makes composing and editing music a breeze. Take your creativity to the next level today and try out this must-have portable MIDI sequencer!

Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable 3.4.1 full details

File Size: 973 kB
License: Trialware
Price: $29.95
Released: 2018-04-10
Downloads: Total: 408 | This Month: 16
Publisher: Roni Music
Publisher URL:

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Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer PortableMusic ComposersWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.1 (12 votes)

Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable - Windows 7 Download awards

Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable windows 7 compatible

Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable 3.4.1 full description

Sweet Sixteen is a comprehensive and powerful MIDI sequencer for PC/Windows computers. Offers Piano Roll, List and Transform edit pages as well as a dedicated Mixer page you can use for your favourite synthesizer.

Capable of playback on 32 + 32 tracks, Sweet Sixteen is ideal for the absolute beginner but powerful enough to satisfy experienced "power" users.

The use of MIDI controllers is fully supported to allow control of all the subtle nuances of expression and dynamics demanded by the discerning MIDI programmer.

Powerful, yet user friendly, Sweet Sixteen offers features far in advance of its more well known competitors.

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Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer Portable 3.4.1 Windows 7 release notes

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