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SWF to FLA Converter for Windows 7 - SWF to FLA Converter: Unlock your Flash files. - Windows 7 Download

SWF to FLA Converter Windows 7

SWF to FLA Converter 5.3

Convert SWF to FLA with ease using this software. Enhance your Flash experience.

Are you struggling with editing an old Flash project? Eltima Software has got you covered with their SWF to FLA Converter. Easily convert your SWF file back to its original FLA format for easy editing and customization. With advanced algorithms, this software ensures the highest quality output with minimal loss of data. Don't let an outdated Flash project hold you back - download Eltima's SWF to FLA Converter now.

SWF to FLA Converter 5.3 full details

File Size: 12.26 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $79.95
Released: 2011-10-17
Downloads: Total: 567 | This Month: 5
Publisher: Eltima Software
Publisher URL:

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SWF to FLA ConverterFlash ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 2003

User Rating: 3.0 (20 votes)

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SWF to FLA Converter windows 7 compatible

SWF to FLA Converter 5.3 full description

SWF to FLA Converter is an ultimate utility for every Flash designer, web programmer and just everybody, whose work or hobby is connected with Flash technology. SWF to FLA Converter lets you convert SWF into its source code FLA or Flex project files (if it was created there) within a couple of seconds. It offers multi-window interface for simultaneous work with SWF files and comparison of results and unique Dump Viewer for viewing the detailed tag structure of a SWF file. It supports batch files conversion, so you can load several SWF files, press "Convert"button and just sit back and enjoy the results. Moreover, SWF to FLA Converter lets you extract SWF elements to various formats and save them to your hard drive: Flash Video can be extracted to AVI, MPEG, FLV and FLA, save sounds as WAV or MP3, images - as PNG, JPEG and BMP, texts as RTF, TXT and HTML. SWF to FLA Converter lets you convert the whole SWF file into FLA, or export certain Flash resources into FLA format. SWF to FLA Converter is also capable of editing SWF files without converting them to their source format. You can edit sounds, images, colors, gradients, lines, texts and links even without conversion to FLA. SWF to FLA Converter fully supports Flash 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Flash CS5 and CS5.5 (supports TLF texts and conversion .xfl - XML-based FLA) and Flex.

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SWF to FLA Converter 5.3 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Added: decompilation of SWF files embedded into a SWF file as binary data (nested SWF files); Added: basic conversion of SWF files with a standard Flash preloader (e.g. files with TLF texts); Added: Adobe Flash Professional CS 5.5 support
[ SWF to FLA Converter release history ]

SWF to FLA Converter 5.3 Windows 7 requirements

Pentium II class at least 200 MHz; RAM:64 MB;3-5 MB of initial free disk space; Adobe Flash Plug-in

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