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Swift To-Do List Lite for Windows 7 - "Streamline Your Tasks with Swift To-Do List Lite" - Windows 7 Download

Swift To-Do List Lite Windows 7

Swift To-Do List Lite 4.515

"Streamline your tasks with Swift To-Do List Lite for Windows 7!"

Swift To-Do List Lite is a valuable addition to anyone's productivity. This software is perfect for organizing your daily to-do list with its user-friendly interface. Developed by Dextronet, this is a free version of their popular software that simplifies task and time management. Swift To-Do List Lite offers a customizable interface, allows for the creation of subtasks, and enables users to add notes to tasks. It's a great tool for those wanting to manage their time more effectively and increase daily productivity. Download it today!

Swift To-Do List Lite 4.515 full details

File Size: 27.28 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2016-01-20
Downloads: Total: 392 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Dextronet
Publisher URL:

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Swift To-Do List LitePIMS & CalendarsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinOther, Other, WinServer, Win10

User Rating: 2.4 (22 votes)

Swift To-Do List Lite - Windows 7 Download awards

Swift To-Do List Lite windows 7 compatible

Swift To-Do List Lite 4.515 full description

Swift To-Do List Lite is a free and hierarchical to-do list software with reminder and to-do lists organized by tree structure with icons. Application is suitable both for personal and business use. All tasks can have customized priority level, task type, due date, and reminder. There is an option which will remove all finished tasks, so your list can be up to date. You can sort the to-do list by subject, priority , due date or the task type. It is also possible to batch modify properties of tasks. You will never forget anything again thanks to the inbuilt reminder, which can be activated for any of your tasks. When it's displayed, it can beep three times and you can choose from several options, like to remind you again in a few minutes. You can look up your tasks using useful Find function. Great drag & drop support allows you to drag tasks from one to-do list to another, you can also easily drag whole to-do lists in the tree so you can organize them. Global hotkey is another handy feature, just press it and the Swift To-Do list will be restored from the systemtray and ready to use! Never forget anything again, be more productive, make your life more successful! It's free!

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