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@SwIt Printfil full changelog

@SwIt Printfil full changelog

@SwIt Printfil 5.31 released May 31, 2024 (Major Update)
1. Automatically remove blank pages even in the middle of the GDI prints;
2. Added integration with dbDOSv 2 and dbDOS PRO 7;
3. New DOSBox checks to automatically fix misconfigurations;
4. Better vDos integration;
5. More info at;
@SwIt Printfil 5.30 released Aug 17, 2023 (Major Update)
1. When emailing a print as a PDF, Printfil now searches for the destination e-mail directly within the captured text;
2. Enhanced inclusion of graphical files as the background of the captured textual prints;
3. Better DOSBox-X integration;
4. More info at;
@SwIt Printfil 5.29 released Nov 17, 2022 (Major Update)
1. Now you can automatically create a PrintWin virtual printer to capture the TEXT of Windows print jobs;
2. If DOSBox is installed on the machine, now you can easily configure it to capture all ports (LPT and COM) through Printfil at once;
3. More info at;
@SwIt Printfil 5.28 released Feb 8, 2022 (Major Update)
1. Added support for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 Terminal Server;
2. Better creation of the "Printfil" virtual printer to export DOS prints as PDF files;
3. Enhanced the PS and PCL printing engines for faster PostScript and better preview;
4. More at;
@SwIt Printfil 5.27 released Apr 29, 2021 (Major Update)
1. Enhanced support for Windows Server 2016 and 2019 Terminal Server;
2. Added integration with the DOSBox-x emulator;
3. Added support for the Yuscii Code Page, used before CP852;
4. Enhanced recognition of captured HP-PCL prints;
5. More news at;
@SwIt Printfil 5.26 released Aug 6, 2020 (Major Update)
1. Automatically selects the most suitable printing engine (GDI, RAW, PDF, PCL, PostScript) for the captured print ;
2. Support for A4 paper size in the PDF and the PCL engines ;
3. Sends out prints to email addresses up to 254 chars long ;
4. More news at ;
@SwIt Printfil 5.25 released Nov 14, 2019 (Major Update)
1. Support PostScript prints (to any Win printer) ;
2. Easily print PostScript PRN files by drag & drop ;
3. Enhanced the PCL graphics printing engine ;
4. Enhanced the creation of the Printfil virtual printer, especially in newest Win10 ;
5. More news at ;
@SwIt Printfil 5.24 released Feb 14, 2019 (Major Update)
1. New PCL graphics printing engine (to any Win printer) ;
2. Easily print files by drag & drop ;
3. New Command Prompt parameters to print files without user intervention ;
4. Call external programs after printing to PDF to sign them etc ;
5. More news at ;
@SwIt Printfil 5.23 released May 3, 2018 (Major Update)
1. Added integration with the vDosPlus emulator ;
2. New Printing engine: Direct PDF printing, even if the destination printer doesn't support it natively ;
3. Both print and e-mail a DOS job in a single run, without user intervention ;
4. More news at ;
@SwIt Printfil 5.22 released Aug 31, 2017 (Major Update)
1. Added integration with the vDos emulator ;
2. New DosPrint utility available to simplify Running and Printing DOS programs on 64-bit ;
3. New Montly Licenses, that work just like the Standard ones, but they cost a tenth and last 30 days ;
4. More news at ;

@SwIt Printfil for Windows 7 - free download notice

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