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Syncplicity Personal Edition for Windows 7 - "Effortlessly sync files: Syncplicity Personal Edition" - Windows 7 Download

Syncplicity Personal Edition Windows 7

Syncplicity Personal Edition 2.0.3856.24352

Sync and backup your files effortlessly with this Windows 7 software.

Syncplicity Personal Edition is the perfect solution for anyone looking to synchronize, share, and access their files from anywhere. Developed by Syncplicity, this top-quality software is filled with features that make syncing and collaborating with others a breeze. With easy-to-use syncing tools and intuitive sharing options, Syncplicity Personal Edition is the perfect choice for anyone looking to stay organized and efficient. If you're looking for a powerful and reliable file syncing tool for your Windows 7 machine, then look no further than Syncplicity Personal Edition.

Syncplicity Personal Edition 2.0.3856.24352 full details

File Size: 1.00 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2010-10-21
Downloads: Total: 613 | This Month: 22
Publisher: Syncplicity
Publisher URL:

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Syncplicity Personal EditionBackup & RestoreWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 2.4 (14 votes)

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Syncplicity Personal Edition 2.0.3856.24352 full description

Syncplicity Personal Edition is for individual users and makes everyday sync, back-up and sharing files easy. Accidentally lose a file, a folder, or your computer? Get your files back, instantly. Our SyncStorage means your files are protected with real-time, automated back-up and instant restore. You can safely share your files with anyone you designate, effortlessly. From Google Apps to Microsoft Office, photos and other media. Your files can be on every computer you use – instantly.

User Management
Syncplicity’s user management allows you to easily grant, change, or revoke user access to data. Our centralized
console also allows you to pre-configure user accounts, and monitor sharing activities.

Centralized Collaboration
Centralized Collaboration instantly synchronizes all your computers and all of your colleagues’
computers with the latest version of your work and theirs. Additionally, Syncplicity immediately detects
conflicting edits and handles them gracefully.

Automatic Backup
Syncplicity automatically backs up your files every time a change is made. Restore of current version and previous
versions is instant.

Anywhere Access
Save once, access your files anywhere -from your laptop at home, your desktop at the office, or your
cell phone on the road.

Syncplicity takes security seriously, utilizing strong military-grade encryption to ensure that your files
are protected both during transmission and while at rest. For additional security, Syncplicity stores
each file’s unique encryption key in a datacenter completely separate from the datacenter holding the
encrypted files, effectively separating the lock from the key. Every file is stored with multiple replicas
for state-of-the-art robustness.

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