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SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery for Windows 7 - "Revive Corrupt DOCM Files with Ease!" - Windows 7 Download

SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery Windows 7

SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery 2.0

Recover corrupt MS Word DOCM files with ease.

Introducing SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery, the ultimate solution for repairing corrupted .docm files on your Windows 7 system. Developed by SysInfoTools, this reliable software boasts an intuitive user interface and powerful recovery capabilities for all your essential Word documents. Say goodbye to data loss and hello to a seamlessly recovered Word file with SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery.

SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery 2.0 full details

File Size: 2.94 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $39.00
Released: 2012-08-01
Downloads: Total: 369 | This Month: 3
Publisher: SysInfoTools
Publisher URL:

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SysInfoTools MS Word Docm RecoveryFile & Disk ManagementWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win95

User Rating: 3.1 (23 votes)

SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery - Windows 7 Download awards

SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery 2.0 full description

Repair corrupt Docm files of MS Word with the help of SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Repair tool. This is one of the best data recovery tools designed for MS Word files recovery. It effectively repairs the corrupt .docm files and restores maximum possible data from them. By using this powerful utility corrupt .docm files which are unable to be opened or contain unreadable data can be easily repaired. It helps users to conduct a successful and complete recovery in just no more time. Though it takes less time to fix the corruption from corrupt Docm files but never affects the data and integrity of files while repairing them. It automatically creates a new file in which the recovered data will be saved. SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Repair is very beneficial in the situation when a Docm file gets corrupted due to: *Virus or Trojan infections *Abruptly system shut down *Sudden cancellation of MS Word *Software malfunctions *Crash in system hard drive etc. MS Word Docm repair tool effectively works with corrupt Docm files and recovers all the data and file objects such as graphs, tables, charts, images, header/footer, text formatting, notes, etc. from them. It uses an advanced algorithm technique for fast scanning of Docm files and then repairs all the corrupt part of files. The powerful recovery engine of this tool performs a quick and complete recovery. It smartly removes all the errors from corrupt files and makes them error free. Key features of SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Repair: *Repairs corrupt MS Word Docm files. *Restores text, formatting, table, bulleted lists, embedded pictures, charts, images, etc. *Recovers all unreadable or invalid data from Docm files. *Supports two modes of recovery: Standard and Advanced Mode. *Supports preview of recovered data in both Text and Images form. *Preserves the originality of data and files while repairing them. *Allows users to save recovered data at user desired location. *Supports all versions of MS Office.

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SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery 2.0 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
*Performs recovery in two modes: Standard and Advanced mode.
*Shows the preview of recovered items in two forms: Text and Image form.
*Performs quick recovery of large sized Docm files.
*Supports all versions of MS Office and compatible with all Windows.
*Offers demo version for free examining.
[ SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery release history ]

SysInfoTools MS Word Docm Recovery 2.0 Windows 7 requirements

Operating System: Windows 95, 98, N, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Win 7 and Minimum 256MB of RAM.

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