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T3Desk for Windows 7 - "T3Desk: Revolutionary desktop management software" - Windows 7 Download

T3Desk Windows 7

T3Desk 2015 Build 15.06

"Transform your Windows 7 experience with T3Desk - efficient and visually stunning."

Introducing T3Desk - the ultimate window management tool that enhances your Windows 7 experience like never before! Developed by Tehnif Software, this software lets you efficiently manage and organize your open windows in a visually appealing 3D space. The highly customizable interface allows you to switch between virtual desktops with ease, while the built-in hotkeys enable quick access to frequently used applications. Boost your productivity levels with T3Desk today!

T3Desk 2015 Build 15.06 full details

File Size: 1.20 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2015-06-15
Downloads: Total: 9960 | This Month: 16
Publisher: Tehnif Software
Publisher URL:

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T3DeskOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 3.2 (73 votes)

T3Desk - Windows 7 Download awards

T3Desk windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award windows 7 download editor's pick

T3Desk 2015 Build 15.06 full description

T3Desk lets you manage your applications more easily in a 3D desktop adding the third dimension to your Windows screen. "3Dmized" windows will appear in three dimensions and transparent on your screen and have the ability to be flipped, zoomed, moved, swiveled in almost anyway you want. T3Desk is lightweight on your resources, unlike most applications of its kind.

With T3Desk you can set the options regarding display, zooming, hot keys and sounds. You can configure your 3D window animation, transparency effect, the 3D initial angle and distance, the transition effects and more. T3Desk it's a FREE product.

T3Desk require DirectX for dialog effects and also GDI+ and Visual C++ 2008 runtime components to be installed.

T3Desk Standard it's a FREE product and will always remain free. 'FREE' in the preceding sentence means that there is no cost or charge associated with the use of T3Desk Standard version.

T3Desk Pro users are registered in our database and enjoy the benefits of technical support together with our special attention regarding the requests for future development of the product.

T3Desk 2015 Build 15.06 download tags

T3Desk 2015 Build 15.06 Windows 7 requirements

· DirectX · GDI+ runtime components · Visual C++ 2008 runtime components

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T3Desk users' reviews

T3Desk 2 Build 13.0 review by titi (Mar 2, 2014)
very usefull and excellent

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