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TAdvSmoothJogWheel for Windows 7 - "Revamp Your User Experience: TAdvSmoothJogWheel!" - Windows 7 Download

TAdvSmoothJogWheel Windows 7


Smoothly control your app with TAdvSmoothJogWheel software.

TAdvSmoothJogWheel by is a must-have software for Windows 7 users who desire a sleek graphical interface. This customizable component can be used to integrate smooth jog wheels into any application with ease. It's perfect for multimedia, gaming, and navigation applications and is compatible with all Windows 7 versions. With TAdvSmoothJogWheel, you'll have access to a range of customization options that will allow you to add a touch of class to your programs. Experience this software today and take your user interface to the next level!

TAdvSmoothJogWheel full details

File Size: 8.23 MB
License: Commercial
Price: $30.00
Released: 2011-09-12
Downloads: Total: 201 | This Month: 11
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TAdvSmoothJogWheelDelphiWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.1 (15 votes)

TAdvSmoothJogWheel - Windows 7 Download awards

TAdvSmoothJogWheel windows 7 compatible

TAdvSmoothJogWheel full description

* Smoothly animated jogwheel with complex gradients and shadows * Indicator to mark current value with different shapes and Picture support * Different color and brightness for each mode * Vertical and horizontal direction * Animationfactor to change the speed of the animation * Editable grip size and spacing * Comes with three modes: Continuous, Cue and AutoCue This product is also available in TMS Component Pack.

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