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Task Coach nLite Addon for Windows for Windows 7 - Efficient Task Manager for Windows 7. - Windows 7 Download

Task Coach nLite Addon for Windows Windows 7

Task Coach nLite Addon for Windows 1.4.6

Effortlessly manage your tasks with Task Coach nLite Addon for Windows.

If you're looking for an efficient task management tool to streamline your productivity, then Task Coach nLite Addon for Windows could be just what you need. This software's developer, Frank Niessink, has designed a stellar program for organizing tasks, setting deadlines, and optimizing your workflow. With an intuitive interface and ample customization options, Task Coach is a must-have for anyone who wants to stay on top of their to-do list. So, download this nifty software and simplify your day-to-day tasks. You won't be disappointed!

Task Coach nLite Addon for Windows 1.4.6 full details

File Size: 14.10 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2019-04-29
Downloads: Total: 933 | This Month: 31
Publisher: Frank Niessink
Publisher URL:

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Task Coach nLite Addon for WindowsSystem MaintenanceWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

User Rating: 3.3 (15 votes)

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Task Coach nLite Addon for Windows 1.4.6 full description

Task Coach is a simple open source todo manager to manage personal tasks and todo lists. It grew out of Frank's frustration that well-known task managers, such as those provided with Outlook or Lotus Notes, do not provide facilities for composite tasks. Often, tasks and other things todo consist of several activities. Task Coach is designed to deal with composite tasks.

Task Coach is developed by Frank Niessink and Jerome Laheurte, with help of different people providing translations. Many people use it on a daily basis, but there are still a lot of features missing. If there's anything you'd like to see included, please let us know.

Task Coach is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or any later version and free to use for both individuals and companies. If Task Coach is a useful product for you, please consider supporting the development of Task Coach. You can support further development by spreading the word, help translate Task Coach in your language, help develop new features and/or donate some money (to help recover costs; any amount is appreciated).

Task Coach is developed using a number of products, see credits at the left.

Task Coach currently has the following features:

* Creating, editing, and deleting tasks and subtasks.
* Tasks have a subject, description, priority, start date, due date, a completion date and an optional reminder. Tasks can recur on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
* Tasks can be viewed as a list or as a tree.
* Tasks can be sorted by all task attributes, e.g. subject, budget, budget left, due date, etc.
* Several filters to e.g. hide completed tasks or view only tasks that are due today.
* Tasks can be created by dragging an e-mail message from Outlook or Thunderbird onto a task viewer.
* Attachments can be added to tasks, notes, and categories by dragging and dropping files, e-mail messages from Outlook or Thunderbird, or URL's onto a task, note or category.
* Task status depends on its subtask and vice versa. E.g. if you mark the last uncompleted subtask as completed, the parent task is automatically marked as completed too.
* Tasks and notes can be assigned to user-defined categories.
* Settings are persistent and saved automatically. The last opened file is loaded automatically when starting Task Coach.
* Tracking time spent on tasks. Tasks can have a budget. Time spent can be viewed by individual effort period, by day, by week, and by month.
* The Task Coach file format (.tsk) is XML.
* Tasks, notes, effort, and categories can be exported to HTML and CSV (Comma separated format). Effort can be exported to iCalendar/ICS format as well.
* Tasks, effort, notes, and categories can be printed. When printing, Task Coach prints the information that is visible in the current view, including any filters and sort order.
* Task Coach can be run from a removable medium.
* Tasks and notes can be synchronized via a Funambol server such as ScheduleWorld.

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Task Coach nLite Addon for Windows 1.4.6 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Bug fixed:
Workaround for an underlying wxPython limitation we ran into. After some time Task Coach would exhibit various symptoms because of an exception in the event loop.
[ Task Coach nLite Addon for Windows release history ]

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