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Task Till Dawn for Windows 7 - "Task Till Dawn: Streamline your Tasks" - Windows 7 Download

Task Till Dawn Windows 7

Task Till Dawn 2.21

"Maximize productivity with Task Till Dawn - your ultimate task scheduling tool for Windows 7."

Experience maximum efficiency and productivity with Task Till Dawn. This simple yet powerful software allows you to schedule tasks, execute commands and automate routine tasks effortlessly. Developed by Oliver Matuschin, Task Till Dawn lets you create tasks in a matter of minutes and execute them with just a single click. Whether you're a programmer, system administrator or just someone who wants to simplify their day, Task Till Dawn has got you covered. Download it today and discover the power of automation!

Task Till Dawn 2.21 full details

File Size: 8.20 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2019-05-30
Downloads: Total: 884 | This Month: 18
Publisher: Oliver Matuschin
Publisher URL:

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Task Till DawnLaunchers & Task ManagersWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.4 (37 votes)

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Task Till Dawn 2.21 full description

Task Till Dawn is a free task scheduler which can execute your repetitive tasks (i.e. open files or applications) at specified times or intervals. For example, use Task Till Dawn to automatically let iTunes download the newest Podcasts at a specified time. Or let it backup your important files every day. Needless to say, tasks can also be executed manually.

The application is written in Java and therefore basically platform independent. Currently, versions for Windows and Mac OS X (Intel) are available. A Linux version will probably also be available in the future.

As this project is provided under the GPL, you can take the sourcecode and fit it to meet your own needs. Pre-compiled versions, as well as the sourcecode, are available in the Downloads section. The application is multilingual (English, German, Spanish and French).

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Task Till Dawn 2.21 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Task Till Dawn now supports plugins.
In some cases logfiles couldn't be opened from the task list.
The settings for the tray-menu did not work correctly.
[ Task Till Dawn release history ]

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