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Teaching Templates for Windows 7 - Interactive quiz software for Windows 7 - Windows 7 Download

Teaching Templates Windows 7

Teaching Templates 16.4.0

Enhance learning with Teaching Templates: Window 7's top-choice software!

Are you an educator tired of the same old teaching methods? Look no further! Introducing Teaching Templates, developed by TAC-Soft, a game-changing software designed exclusively for Windows 7. Engage your students with custom interactive quizzes and dynamic presentations. Create captivating lessons with ease and efficiency. Transform your teaching experience today with Teaching Templates.

Teaching Templates 16.4.0 full details

File Size: 11.36 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $9.95
Released: 2019-01-22
Downloads: Total: 69 | This Month: 9
Publisher: TAC-Soft
Publisher URL:

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Teaching TemplatesTeaching & Training ToolsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 1.0 (1 vote)

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Teaching Templates 16.4.0 full description

Introducing "Teaching Templates" by TAC-Soft, your ultimate companion for creating engaging educational materials on Windows 7. This highly acclaimed software unlocks the potential of educators, allowing them to effortlessly design captivating quizzes, surveys, and worksheets. With an intuitive interface and an extensive range of templates, "Teaching Templates" empowers you to customize and tailor your content to perfectly suit your teaching objectives. Whether you're an enthusiastic teacher, trainer, or presenter, this innovative tool simplifies the creation process, saving you valuable time and energy. Enhance student participation, facilitate knowledge retention, and inspire learning, all while maintaining a user-friendly experience. Optimize your teaching resources and effortlessly captivate your audience with "Teaching Templates" – the indispensable software for educators on Windows 7.

Teaching Templates 16.4.0 download tags

Teaching Templates 16.4.0 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Improvements to the program flow of the Quiz Maker EBook files. The changes ensure that the .exe quizzes that you create now open quickly and run efficiently on a broader spectrum of Windows platforms and system configurations.
[ Teaching Templates release history ]

Teaching Templates 16.4.0 Windows 7 requirements

An up-to-date Internet browser, Microsoft .Net framework

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