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Techne CAD/CAM x64 for Windows 7 - "High-performance CAD/CAM software." - Windows 7 Download

Techne CAD/CAM x64 Windows 7

Techne CAD/CAM x64 RC

"Revolutionize your design process with Techne CAD/CAM x64"

Introducing Techne CAD/CAM x64 by 5 Percent – the ultimate solution for professionals in the design and manufacturing industry. This powerful software offers cutting-edge technology, allowing users to create precision designs and models with ease. With its user-friendly interface and plethora of features, Techne CAD/CAM x64 is the ideal tool for modern designers. Download the software now and experience its power firsthand!

Techne CAD/CAM x64 RC full details

File Size: 11.30 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2016-05-09
Downloads: Total: 390 | This Month: 29
Publisher: 5 Percent
Publisher URL:

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Techne CAD/CAM x64CADWindows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.1 (24 votes)

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Techne CAD/CAM x64 - Windows 7 Download awards

Techne CAD/CAM x64 windows 7 compatible

Techne CAD/CAM x64 RC full description

Introducing Techne CAD/CAM x64, the ultimate all-in-one design and manufacturing software for Windows 7. This powerful software, developed by 5 Percent, is perfect for professionals looking for advanced 3D design capabilities and CAM tools all in one package. With Techne CAD/CAM x64, you can create complex designs with ease, thanks to its intuitive and user-friendly interface. Plus, its advanced CAM features allow you to streamline your manufacturing processes, making it a valuable tool for engineers, product developers, and manufacturers alike. Don't miss out on this powerful software – download Techne CAD/CAM x64 now and experience the future of design and manufacturing.

Techne CAD/CAM x64 RC download tags

Techne CAD/CAM x64 RC Windows 7 release notes

New Release
For the Oval type cut the toolpath generated when using either a specified offset or designating inside/outside the oval was using double the correct offset value.
For Oval when manually entering the X,Y position of the cut, the values could update incorrectly when the entry field lost focus.
For many of the cuts when using the editor to manually enter information the cut information would update even when the underlying value did not change. This did not cause an error, but when looking at the undo/redo command list there would be multiple entries that did nothing.
[ Techne CAD/CAM x64 release history ]

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