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TekRadius full changelog

TekRadius full changelog

TekRadius 5.5.9 released May 10, 2021 (Major Update)
TekRADIUS HTTP interface allows you configure attributes for user and group profiles (Version 5.5.9). You can add user’s email Address to user’s profile using new attribute Email-Address. A new GUI function enables you to send Google Authenticator key to a user (Version 5.5.7).
TekRadius 5.5.4 released Jan 6, 2020 (Major Update)
SP license enables you to acquire an IP address from a DHCP server when you set Framed-IP-Address=Acquire-Using-DHCP. You can specify a DHCP server by adding DHCP-Server attribute to the user or group profile. You can assign static IP address to Active Directory users by setting msRADIUSFramedIP.
TekRadius 5.5.2 released Aug 6, 2019 (Major Update)
Password hashing options added for storing user passwords in the database
TekRadius 5.5.0 released Jan 2, 2019 (Major Update)
Concatenated-Password attribute allows you to specify a regular expression pattern to split received User-Password in an authentication request. You can execute and action to send a notification to user, when user’s credit consumption reaches to a certain level. Password Policy enforcement option.
TekRadius 5.4.4 released Aug 15, 2018 (Major Update)
SQL Query Executioner in TekRADIUS Manager. New user profile importing functions. Password Policy enforcement option.
TekRadius 5.4.3 released May 27, 2018 (Major Update)
SQL Query Executioner in TekRADIUS Manager. New user profile importing functions.
TekRadius 5.4.0 released Feb 17, 2018 (Major Update)
Better handling of RADIUS accounting. Google-Authenticator support. Option to disable sending vendor specific attributes for Data Volume Based Authorization. Send-CoA option for Credit-Expiry-Action. This allows you to apply 'Fair Usage Policy (FUP)' to user sessions.
TekRadius 5.3.5 released Jan 13, 2018 (Minor Update)
Google-Authenticator support. Option to disable sending vendor specific attributes for Data Volume Based Authorization. Send-CoA option for Credit-Expiry-Action. This allows you to apply 'Fair Usage Policy (FUP)' to user sessions. New attribute types; CoA-Set & CoA-Reset.
TekRadius 5.3.4 released Oct 12, 2017 (Major Update)
Google-Authenticator support. Option to disable sending vendor specific attributes for Data Volume Based Authorization. Send-CoA option for Credit-Expiry-Action. This allows you to apply 'Fair Usage Policy (FUP)' to user sessions. New attribute types; CoA-Set & CoA-Reset.
TekRadius 5.3.2 released Jun 15, 2017 (Major Update)
Option to send Change of Authorization Request after editing reply attributes in user or group profiles and option to send Disconnect Request after deleting a user or group profile in SP Edition. Option to disable DHCP lease history. IPv6 client support in SP edition.

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