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Text Filterer for Windows 7 - "Efficient Text Filtering Software: Get Organized with Ease" - Windows 7 Download

Text Filterer Windows 7

Text Filterer 3.4

"Revolutionize your text searches with Text Filterer - the must-have tool for Windows 7."

Introducing "Text Filterer" - a powerful software by Edwardsoft that simplifies the process of sorting, filtering and editing your text documents. This Windows 7 compatible tool is designed with an intuitive interface that enables you to select and modify relevant text in seconds. With Text Filterer, you can enhance your productivity and achieve more in less time. Download now to experience the convenience and efficiency of this essential software.

Text Filterer 3.4 full details

File Size: 1.98 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $19.90
Released: 2009-10-27
Downloads: Total: 59 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Edwardsoft
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Text FiltererFile & Disk ManagementWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 0 (0 votes)

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Text Filterer windows 7 compatible

Text Filterer 3.4 full description

Text Filterer is an advanced desktop full text searcher. With TF, you can instantly search for single words, partial words, Boolean word combinations, and exact or proximity phrases within hierarchically organized collections of documents. Classic Explorer-like interface allows you to easily browse a search result by folders, switch between found documents viewing their contents in the preview pane, and navigate through the found words highlighted in text. Search results can also be filtered by file name, type, location, date/time, size, title, author, etc. Search queries are stored as filters being usable across sessions. TF supports plain text, Unicode, RTF, XLS, HTML, PDF, and uses MS Word and PowerPoint to index DOC, WPD, PPS, PPT and other MS Word supported files. TF supports many image formats such as BMP, ICO, GIF, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, PSD, WMF and more. TF searches for Exif data embedded into JPEG and TIFF files. TF transparently works with ZIP, RAR, MHT and CHM archives treating them like folders. With group of Excel files having same columns, TF can selectively search by columns and rows presenting search results in one view. TF shows search results in the list view, with documents (or their parts called snippets) as rows, and their attributes as columns. Column data of a search result can be saved to a tab-delimited text file for later processing with a spreadsheet or database application. Resultant documents can be copied/extracted to a folder with or without conversion of them into plain-text copies. TF has support for multilingual texts. Advanced features include selective searches by used-defined data fields established around a common regular structure of documents, if any, and chopping documents into snippets to make them units of your searches instead of entire files, if they can be structurally subdivided into such snippets.

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Text Filterer 3.4 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
What's new in TF 3.4: The GUI look has been improved to be XP and Vista compatible.
[ Text Filterer release history ]

Text Filterer 3.4 Windows 7 requirements

Working under Windows NT4 requires Service Pack 6

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