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Thuban for Windows for Windows 7 - Explore 3D World with Thuban. - Windows 7 Download

Thuban for Windows Windows 7

Thuban for Windows 1.2.2

Discover a powerful mapping tool for Windows 7 - Thuban.

Thuban for Windows, created by the Thuban Development Team, is a cutting-edge software that simplifies complex geospatial data analysis. Its user-friendly interface, coupled with its wide-ranging features, makes it a must-have tool for professionals across various industries. Thuban allows users to view, edit and analyze geodata in various formats, including shapefiles, OGC standards, and ESRI formats. Whether you’re a GIS professional or a beginner, Thuban for Windows is an intuitive and indispensable tool for all your geospatial needs.

Thuban for Windows 1.2.2 full details

File Size: 11.22 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2009-08-18
Downloads: Total: 536 | This Month: 16
Publisher: Thuban Development Team
Publisher URL:

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Thuban for WindowsCADWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.2 (12 votes)

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Thuban for Windows 1.2.2 full description

Thuban is an interactive geographic data viewer (GIS viewer) which features methods to visualize, explore, and analyze geographic information.

Thuban is an Interactive Geographic Data Viewer with the following features:

# Vector Data Support: Shapefile, PostGIS Layer and OGR
# Raster Data Support: GeoTIFF Layer and GDAL
# Comfortable Map Navigation
# Object Identification and Annotation
# Legend Editor and Classification
# Table Queries and Joins
# Projection Support
# Printing and Vector Export
# API for Add-Ons (Extensions)
# Multi-Language Support: English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Czech and Spanish
# User Manual (English)

Why is Thuban being developed?

[2001:] The FreeGIS Project provides an overview of Free Software GIS projects. Many valuable and highly sophisticated tools exist, but there is still a need for a user-friendly, interactive viewer for geographic information.

Thuban makes use of several Free GIS Software components and is itself the basis of advanced GIS applications, e.g GREAT-ER desktop

The project name Thuban originates from the alpha-star in the constellation Draco, the Dragon. It was the pole star when the Egyptians built the pyramids.

Thuban functions:

The Thuban Main Window falls into five major parts:

* Map
* Legend
* Statusbar
* Toolbar and
* Menubar

Layer Properties
Aside the layer title the properties dialog mainly focusses on the legend: The layers objects can be grouped by single values or ranges. Visibility and symbols can be edited per group.

Automatic Classification

Thuban supports explorative data analysis with automatic classifications of data. Supported are:

* unique values,
* uniform distribution and
* quantiles.

The number of groups is flexible, a ramp of symbols is generated for the resulting classification.


Thuban is distributed with a sample collection of projections and the set of coordinate systems as used by the EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group).

For full flexibility projections can be assigned to the map and to each separate layer.

Table Management

The table view lists all records for a given layer. Data can be queried, the results are highlighted on the map. Additional data can be joined for detailed analysis and query results or entire tables can be exported.


The Thuban User Interface is available for various languages:

* English
* French
* German
* Italian
* Spanish and
* Russian (cyrillic script)

Further translations are welcome.

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